pkgbase = python-powerline-git pkgdesc = The ultimate statusline/prompt utility pkgver = 2.8.1+10+g40c3e092 pkgrel = 1 epoch = 1 url = install = powerline.install arch = i686 arch = x86_64 license = MIT makedepends = git makedepends = python2-setuptools makedepends = python-setuptools makedepends = python2-sphinx source = powerline::git+ sha256sums = SKIP pkgname = python2-powerline-git depends = python2>=2.6 optdepends = python2-psutil: improved system information optdepends = python2-pygit2: improved git support optdepends = python2-hglib: improved mercurial support optdepends = zsh: better shell prompt optdepends = vim: vim compiled with Python support conflicts = powerline2 conflicts = powerline conflicts = python-powerline-git conflicts = otf-powerline-symbols-git pkgname = python-powerline-git depends = python>=3.2 optdepends = python-psutil: improved system information optdepends = python-pygit2: improved git support optdepends = python-hglib: improved mercurial support optdepends = zsh: better shell prompt optdepends = vim: vim compiled with Python support conflicts = powerline2 conflicts = powerline conflicts = python2-powerline-git conflicts = otf-powerline-symbols-git