pkgbase = python-pytorch-cxx11abi
	pkgdesc = Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration (with CXX11 ABI)
	pkgver = 2.6.0
	pkgrel = 1
	url =
	arch = x86_64
	license = BSD
	makedepends = python
	makedepends = python-setuptools
	makedepends = python-yaml
	makedepends = python-numpy
	makedepends = cmake
	makedepends = cuda
	makedepends = gcc13
	makedepends = nccl
	makedepends = cudnn
	makedepends = git
	makedepends = rocm-hip-sdk
	makedepends = hipblaslt
	makedepends = roctracer
	makedepends = miopen-hip
	makedepends = magma-cuda
	makedepends = magma-hip
	makedepends = ninja
	makedepends = pkgconfig
	makedepends = doxygen
	makedepends = vulkan-headers
	makedepends = shaderc
	makedepends = onednn
	makedepends = python-iniconfig
	makedepends = python-packaging
	makedepends = python-pluggy
	makedepends = python-wheel
	makedepends = python-tqdm
	makedepends = python-textual
	depends = google-glog
	depends = gflags
	depends = opencv
	depends = openmp
	depends = openmpi
	depends = pybind11
	depends = python
	depends = python-yaml
	depends = libuv
	depends = python-numpy
	depends = python-sympy
	depends = protobuf
	depends = ffmpeg
	depends = qt6-base
	depends = eigen
	depends = intel-oneapi-mkl
	depends = python-typing_extensions
	depends = numactl
	depends = python-jinja
	depends = python-networkx
	depends = python-filelock
	options = !lto
	options = !debug
	source = pytorch::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-FP16::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-FXdiv::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-NNPACK::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-NVTX::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-PeachPy::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-VulkanMemoryAllocator::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-XNNPACK::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-benchmark::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-cpp-httplib::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-cpuinfo::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-cudnn-frontend::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-cutlass::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-eigen::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-fbgemm::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-fbjni::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-flatbuffers::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-fmt::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-gemmlowp::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-gloo::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-googletest::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-ideep::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-ittapi::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-json::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-kineto::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-mimalloc::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-nccl::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-onnx::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-opentelemetry-cpp::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-pocketfft::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-protobuf::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-psimd::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-pthreadpool::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-pybind11::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-sleef::git+
	source = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-tensorpipe::git+
	source = fix_include_system.patch
	source = use-system-libuv.patch
	source = 87773.patch
	source = disable-werror1.patch
	source = disable-werror2.patch
	source = disable-werror4.patch
	source = glog-0.7.patch
	source = pytorch-rocm-jit.patch
	source = pytorch-missing-iostream.patch
	source = pytorch-remove-caffe2-binaries.patch
	source = fix_cmake_prefix_path.patch
	b2sums = 087a803a0d16f069129d63e9c6dbfdce29a2912f7c96f08a9d9d1148fa3ae9d5bcb3ddc315e6be67c320c2f556fd16af01b7e28ed286e0fde1a4501f8ff93c06
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = SKIP
	b2sums = 400270990c63a248f9ad298580c9efe8c7757bcec111375ffeb8fbae79d1b855ab8bfd270b7efbccbf442bcdb2a9336e08de8a3e458533b3d7ccffbb6d1d43bc
	b2sums = af8c724ed80898ae3875a295ad6bd4d18d90f8a9124f6cff6d1b2f525bf7806fe61306e739c1f7362fbd8d0e4f8ba57d0e3bf925ea3f7a78a0a98f26722db147
	b2sums = 0a8fc110a306e81beeb9ddfb3a1ddfd26aeda5e3f7adfb0f7c9bc3fd999c2dde62e0b407d3eca573097a53fd97329214e30e8767fb38d770197c7ec2b53daf18
	b2sums = 844d0b7b39777492a6d456fa845d5399f673b4bb37b62473393449c9ad0c29dca3c33276dc3980f2e766680100335c0acfb69d51781b79575f4da112d9c4018c
	b2sums = 985e331b2025e1ca5a4fba5188af0900f1f38bd0fd32c9173deb8bed7358af01e387d4654c7e0389e5f98b6f7cbed053226934d180b8b3b1270bdbbb36fc89b2
	b2sums = eea86bbed0a37e1661035913536456f90e0cd1e687c7e4103011f0688bc8347b6fc2ff82019909c41e7c89ddbc3b80dde641e88abf406f4faebc71b0bb693d25
	b2sums = 20d044c5c80354af5ed63847fa4332e96cbfc32a351788f6458fb92b322de7f64b10c188ff26e4f34e422cfe30e082c3ca23ee3e9094616c142aa53588dd451e
	b2sums = e19fbb32da5a3bdd9d1505b2ba79ff0d765b241da819c96a380a5c871be4f5a78dcad000e01a315d936cfebb7860150f8111e60aed17cbb9337896a0831df0fe
	b2sums = 77458fa568692020ae4e437b1ebae6ebbf59f040b3414ba03e32cc829f1befb9f39dde6e0c0525e30d42dd08d482d2f213dd8294a9877476c7d0d6aabb0f08d3
	b2sums = 4514a3b50581a35aa11daaf06c8d4b4b04dee9518bb8239667a5ef758660355f9ebf27ef6796d1369fca97c98278d05cab19ed3d8d52790325331113df65182c
	b2sums = 12e2f94b25d8c473f064223b120c339245fce931c835b88aa66236899909745700e59dd787474588292798a0333e321150cc00d4eb2b5530b324ad2fb143a626

pkgname = python-pytorch-cxx11abi
	pkgdesc = Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration (with CXX11 ABI)
	provides = python-pytorch=2.6.0
	conflicts = python-pytorch

pkgname = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-opt
	pkgdesc = Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration (with CXX11 ABI) (with AVX2 CPU optimizations)
	provides = python-pytorch=2.6.0
	conflicts = python-pytorch

pkgname = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-cuda
	pkgdesc = Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration (with CXX11 ABI) (with CUDA)
	depends = google-glog
	depends = gflags
	depends = opencv
	depends = openmp
	depends = openmpi
	depends = pybind11
	depends = python
	depends = python-yaml
	depends = libuv
	depends = python-numpy
	depends = python-sympy
	depends = protobuf
	depends = ffmpeg
	depends = qt6-base
	depends = eigen
	depends = intel-oneapi-mkl
	depends = python-typing_extensions
	depends = numactl
	depends = python-jinja
	depends = python-networkx
	depends = python-filelock
	depends = cuda
	depends = nccl
	depends = cudnn
	depends = magma-cuda
	depends = onednn
	provides = python-pytorch=2.6.0
	conflicts = python-pytorch

pkgname = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-opt-cuda
	pkgdesc = Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration (with CXX11 ABI) (with CUDA and AVX2 CPU optimizations)
	depends = google-glog
	depends = gflags
	depends = opencv
	depends = openmp
	depends = openmpi
	depends = pybind11
	depends = python
	depends = python-yaml
	depends = libuv
	depends = python-numpy
	depends = python-sympy
	depends = protobuf
	depends = ffmpeg
	depends = qt6-base
	depends = eigen
	depends = intel-oneapi-mkl
	depends = python-typing_extensions
	depends = numactl
	depends = python-jinja
	depends = python-networkx
	depends = python-filelock
	depends = cuda
	depends = nccl
	depends = cudnn
	depends = magma-cuda
	depends = onednn
	provides = python-pytorch=2.6.0
	provides = python-pytorch-cuda=2.6.0
	conflicts = python-pytorch

pkgname = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-rocm
	pkgdesc = Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration (with CXX11 ABI) (with ROCm)
	depends = google-glog
	depends = gflags
	depends = opencv
	depends = openmp
	depends = openmpi
	depends = pybind11
	depends = python
	depends = python-yaml
	depends = libuv
	depends = python-numpy
	depends = python-sympy
	depends = protobuf
	depends = ffmpeg
	depends = qt6-base
	depends = eigen
	depends = intel-oneapi-mkl
	depends = python-typing_extensions
	depends = numactl
	depends = python-jinja
	depends = python-networkx
	depends = python-filelock
	depends = rocm-hip-sdk
	depends = hipblaslt
	depends = roctracer
	depends = miopen-hip
	depends = magma-hip
	depends = onednn
	provides = python-pytorch=2.6.0
	conflicts = python-pytorch

pkgname = python-pytorch-cxx11abi-opt-rocm
	pkgdesc = Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration (with CXX11 ABI) (with ROCm and AVX2 CPU optimizations)
	depends = google-glog
	depends = gflags
	depends = opencv
	depends = openmp
	depends = openmpi
	depends = pybind11
	depends = python
	depends = python-yaml
	depends = libuv
	depends = python-numpy
	depends = python-sympy
	depends = protobuf
	depends = ffmpeg
	depends = qt6-base
	depends = eigen
	depends = intel-oneapi-mkl
	depends = python-typing_extensions
	depends = numactl
	depends = python-jinja
	depends = python-networkx
	depends = python-filelock
	depends = rocm-hip-sdk
	depends = hipblaslt
	depends = roctracer
	depends = miopen-hip
	depends = magma-hip
	depends = onednn
	provides = python-pytorch=2.6.0
	provides = python-pytorch-rocm=2.6.0
	conflicts = python-pytorch