pkgbase = python-sentry_sdk pkgdesc = The new Python SDK for pkgver = 1.1.0 pkgrel = 1 url = arch = any license = BSD makedepends = python-setuptools depends = python-urllib3 depends = python-certifi optdepends = python-flask: adds support for the Flask Web Framework optdepends = python-blinker optdepends = python-bottle: adds support for the Bottle Web Framework optdepends = python-falcon: adds support for the Falcon Web Framework optdepends = python-django: adds support for the Django Web Framework optdepends = python-sanic: adds support for the Sanic Web Framework optdepends = python-celery: adds support for the Celery Task Queue System optdepends = python-apache-beam: experimental BeamIntegration optdepends = python-rq: adds support for the RQ Job Queue System optdepends = python-aiohttp: adds support for the AIOHTTP-Server Web Framework optdepends = python-tornado: adds support for the Tornado Web Framework optdepends = python-sqlalchemy: captures queries from SQLAlchemy as breadcrumbs optdepends = python-pyspark: adds support for the Python API for Apache Spark optdepends = python-pure_eval: for richer stacktraces & additional variables optdepends = python-executing: for richer stacktraces & better function names optdepends = python-asttokens optdepends = python-chalice: for the Chalice web framework for AWS Lambda source = sha256sums = c1227d38dca315ba35182373f129c3e2722e8ed999e52584e6aca7d287870739 pkgname = python-sentry_sdk