pkgbase = quickmedia-git pkgdesc = A dmenu-inspired native client for web services. Supports youtube,, 4chan, matrix and several manga sites. pkgver = r368.f126659 pkgrel = 1 url = arch = x86_64 license = GPL3 makedepends = sibs depends = sfml depends = libx11 depends = jsoncpp depends = cppcodec depends = tidy depends = curl depends = mpv depends = youtube-dl depends = libglvnd depends = libxrandr depends = noto-fonts depends = noto-fonts-cjk optdepends = libnotify: For showing notifications optdepends = automedia: For automatically downloading new chapters of tracked manga optdepends = waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan: For upscaling manga pages when using the --upscale-images option optdepends = xdg-utils: For downloading torrents when using plugin optdepends = ffmpeg: For sending video metadata and thumbnail with /upload in matrix provides = QuickMedia conflicts = QuickMedia source = quickmedia-git-r368.f126659.tar.gz:: sha512sums = 50e01603c3eee1ce7038948abf1d7ca3c82800cb97e51ac47a66f45f2f3ee13728dac27d93302feb1298a440cee5d669539b5a80b09c0bd57675a3e41cc248d5 pkgname = quickmedia-git