# Generated by mksrcinfo v8 # Thu Dec 24 15:49:44 UTC 2015 pkgbase = qwtplot3d-svn pkgdesc = QwtPlot3D is a graphics extension to the Qt GUI application framework. It provides a 3D plotting widget for scientific data and mathematical expressions. It compares to the existing Qwt Project. pkgver = 0.2.7r259 pkgrel = 1 url = http://qwtplot3d.sourceforge.net/ arch = i686 arch = x86_64 license = zlib makedepends = gcc makedepends = make makedepends = qt5-tools makedepends = subversion depends = qt5-base depends = qt5-svg depends = qt5-location depends = qt5-declarative depends = qt5-webchannel depends = qt5-sensors depends = qt5-serialport depends = qt5-webkit depends = qt5-multimedia conflicts = qwtplot3d replaces = qwtplot3d options = !strip options = !buildflags options = staticlibs source = qwtplot3d::svn+http://svn.code.sf.net/p/qwtplot3d/code/branches/maintain_0_2_x/#revision=259 md5sums = SKIP pkgname = qwtplot3d-svn