pkgbase = rofimoji-git pkgdesc = Character picker for rofi pkgver = 5.0.0.r0.gcf82f05 pkgrel = 1 url = install = rofimoji-git.install arch = any license = MIT makedepends = git makedepends = python-setuptools depends = python-configargparse optdepends = emoji-font: for the emojis character file optdepends = nerd-fonts: for the nerd_font character file optdepends = rofi: for the X.Org selector optdepends = xclip: for one of the X.Org clipboarders optdepends = xsel: for one of the X.Org clipboarders optdepends = xdotool: for the X.Org typer optdepends = wofi: for the Wayland selector optdepends = wl-copy: for the Wayland clipboarder optdepends = wtype: for the Wayland typer provides = rofimoji conflicts = rofimoji source = git+ b2sums = SKIP pkgname = rofimoji-git