# Generated by mksrcinfo v8 # Tue Dec 12 20:47:31 UTC 2017 pkgbase = ros-lunar-nodelet pkgdesc = ROS - The nodelet package is designed to provide a way to run multiple algorithms in the same process with zero copy transport between algorithms. pkgver = 1.9.14 pkgrel = 1 url = http://ros.org/wiki/nodelet arch = any license = BSD makedepends = cmake makedepends = ros-build-tools makedepends = ros-lunar-catkin makedepends = ros-lunar-cmake-modules makedepends = ros-lunar-message-generation depends = ros-lunar-roscpp depends = ros-lunar-pluginlib depends = ros-lunar-rospy depends = ros-lunar-rosconsole depends = ros-lunar-bondcpp depends = ros-lunar-std-msgs depends = ros-lunar-message-runtime depends = util-linux depends = boost source = ros-lunar-nodelet-1.9.14-0.tar.gz::https://github.com/ros-gbp/nodelet_core-release/archive/release/lunar/nodelet/1.9.14-0.tar.gz sha256sums = 2e33f0e4f3eca5affab08c6c7ee240071e0133516870b9137ac164a4f883d121 pkgname = ros-lunar-nodelet