pkgbase = tautulli pkgdesc = A Python based monitoring and tracking tool for Plex Media Server. pkgver = 2.11.1 pkgrel = 1 url = install = tautulli.install arch = any license = GPL makedepends = curl depends = python-setuptools optdepends = python-pyopenssl: creating self signed certificates optdepends = python-pycryptodomex: encrypting notifications to iOS/Android Tautulli Remote app source = tautulli-2.11.1.tar.gz:: source = tautulli.tmpfiles source = tautulli.service source = tautulli.sysusers sha256sums = 30969bd2a85d446b510e379595d34dc7b38bf7bafe8920fa38e872891240f505 sha256sums = a054b8abfabb44d35a97642050286751f77d22e22f3d00077960b370051aa4f4 sha256sums = 8363c0de54806e43e59cfde564ff57a49883895cfc0e725282889658a224624a sha256sums = e6bb046d1022f0d2623f42c092f993c395a938a1f2a16c2986e76506bbfb54f8 pkgname = tautulli