pkgbase = tn5250j pkgdesc = 5250 terminal emulator for iSeries and AS/400 written in Java pkgver = 0.7.5 pkgrel = 1 url = install = tn5250j.install arch = any license = GPL depends = bash depends = java-runtime depends = hicolor-icon-theme depends = gtk-update-icon-cache depends = desktop-file-utils optdepends = tn5250j-plugin-itext: to convert the spool texts in PDF optdepends = tn5250j-plugin-jtopen: to export spool and data files optdepends = tn5250j-plugin-jython: to execute Python scripts inside tn5250j optdepends = tn5250j-plugin-kunststoff: to apply the Kunststoff look and feel optdepends = tn5250j-plugin-log4j: to enable a more detailed logging optdepends = tn5250j-plugin-mail: to send email messages for exported data or screenshots source = source = tn5250j.svg:: source = tn5250j source = tn5250j.desktop sha256sums = 158a16a16df46c97f76cfd6f70ed2d37b0c9a983824ddd42294ee963cbb11afb sha256sums = 9ecf2b4714fe457bdc0edd8cc10db6d55b7e0c86ba85b0f3f7a49fa6159a5d57 sha256sums = 02ae481923b7f94b4852a5f706b97086245d2fa37aed4c5934dd77d38cf0d5de sha256sums = ba0fc30eab33ead695cffdba329dbadf8d05f67adac9a34fa905827a60421fcd pkgname = tn5250j