pkgbase = vim-latex-support pkgdesc = Latex-IDE, menu support the latex programming pkgver = 1.0 pkgrel = 2 url = install = vimdoc.install arch = any groups = vim-plugins license = GPL2 depends = vim-vim-support optdepends = texlive-latexextra: to generate DVI, PDF, PS optdepends = luximono: to generate DVI optdepends = gv: to view ps optdepends = texlive-bin: to view DVI, to run lacheck, to run makeindex optdepends = texlive-bibtexextra: to run bibtex optdepends = acroread: default PDF file viewer options = !strip source = md5sums = 078222233395652bb0313f20ac04329b pkgname = vim-latex-support