pkgbase = xboxdrv-cebtenzzre-git pkgdesc = An XBox/XBox 360 gamepad driver - as alternative to the xpad-kernel module - with more configurability, runs in userspace and supports a multitude of controllers (Centenzzre's fork) pkgver = 0.8.8.r40.gc887ab9 pkgrel = 1 url = arch = x86_64 arch = i686 arch = arm arch = armv6h arch = armv7h arch = aarch64 license = GPL3 makedepends = git makedepends = scons makedepends = boost depends = libx11 depends = dbus-glib depends = libusb depends = python2 provides = xboxdrv conflicts = xboxdrv source = xboxdrv-cebtenzzre-git::git+ backup = etc/conf.d/xboxdrv source = xboxdrv.service source = xboxdrv.conf sha256sums = SKIP sha256sums = d631a8c3af7e2b4ef22f1494ded5d7a8029a8dd9756ef8907f909ef6aa0afc2b sha256sums = 68a286300d28bbfc97eb694c6cc413776f0bc16e35de6d1969f13ef1e7d1cac5 pkgname = xboxdrv-cebtenzzre-git