[dbus2vdr] #--shutdown-hooks=/path/to/dir/with/shutdown-hooks # directory with shutdown-hooks to be called by ConfirmShutdown # usually it's /usr/share/vdr/shutdown-hooks #--shutdown-hooks-wrapper=/path/to/shutdown-hooks-wrapper # path to a program that will call the shutdown-hooks with suid #--osd # creates an OSD provider which will save the OSD as PNG files #--systemd # use sd_notify to notify systemd #--upstart # enable Upstart started/stopped events #--session # connect to session D-Bus daemon #--no-system # don't connect to system D-Bus daemon #--no-mainloop # don't start GMainLoop (don't use this option if you don't understand) #--network # enable network support for peer2peer communication # a local dbus-daemon has to be started manually # it has to store its address at $PLUGINDIR/network-address.conf #--log=n # set plugin's loglevel