# Rule for Pico Technology USB Oscilloscopes and Dataloggers # # Copy this file to /etc/udev/rules.d to install it. # Udev rules files should normally belong to root:root and # have permissions 0644. They are parsed in alphabetical # order when a device is connected (with rules parsed later # taking priority over those relating to the same device # which have been parsed earlier). With the default # filename, 95-pico.rules, the device-file ownership and # permission rules in this file will have priority over most # others that may already be installed. If you are sure that # this is not what you want, you can simply rename the file # (for example, to 05-pico.rules to give it near-minimum # priority). # # On older systems you may need to use udevcontrol # to cause udev to reread the rules files as follows if you want # the rule to take immediate effect without restarting udev: # # udevcontrol reload_rules # # This isn't needed on newer systems (rules files are reread # automatically) but it won't do any harm either. # # The rule below matches USB devices with Pico Technology's VID: 0CE9. # It changes the group of the newly-created device node to "pico" and # sets the file permissions to 660 (RW for the owner and group). Note # that the two idVendor parts (with SYSFS and ATTRS) are used by older # and newer udev systems to retrieve the same information: the one # that is not applicable will simply be ignored. # # To use this you should create a group called "pico" and add any users # who need to access the pico devices to it. On a typical system you can # achieve this by executing the following commands as root: # * To create the group: # # addgroup pico # # * To add a user called bob to the group # # usermod -a -G pico bob # # (the -a specifies that bob should be added to the pico group # in addition to any groups of which he is currently a member) # # You will probably need to logout and login for the changes to take effect SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0ce9", MODE="664",GROUP="pico"