## v8.6.0 (2021-05-20) ### Refactor - convert formatted strings to f-strings (more) (#1522) - convert tests to use f-strings (#1521) - convert formatted strings to f-strings (#1520) ### Feat - add escalate severity custom action plugin (#1519) - Add support for user-defined API key (#1518) - log dismissing notes to alert history (#1507) - add default blackout duration to config endpoint (#1506) - support readonly users (#1505) ### Fix - change housekeeping delete threshold to seconds (#1508) - config setting default environment for webhooks (#1510) - read LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD from environment variable (#1509) ## v8.5.0 (2021-04-18) ### Fix - **grafana**: ensure tags work on multi timeseries alert (#1450) (#1490) - add related id to note reponse (#1499) - **deps**: bump lxml from 4.6.2 to 4.6.3 (#1486) ### Refactor - create "query builders" for all data models (#1446) ### Feat - support custom top10 report sizes (#1498) - add alert origin to blackout options (#1497) - add support for custom auth scopes (#1479) ## v8.4.1 (2021-02-28) ### Fix - **deps**: bump multiple package dependencies (#1470) ## v8.4.0 (2021-02-27) ### Fix - **auth**: HMAC was falling thru to catchall if auth required (#1470) - **tests**: enforce authentication for forwarder test (#1471) - **deps**: update PyJWT to v2.0.0 (#1441) - request filter fixes in logging.py (#1442) ### Refactor - use more enums and class properties (#1444) ### Feat - **plugin,webhook**: Add support for custom error responses (#1466) - add pagination support to collection responses (#1443) - **plugin**: add timeout policy plugin to enforce ack and shelve timeouts (#1410) ## v8.3.3 (2021-01-06) ### Fix - move root logger config key back to top level (#1438) ## v8.3.2 (2021-01-02) ### Fix - log level not set correctly if DEBUG enabled (#1437) - do not override envvar config for GitLab and Keycloak (#1431) ## v8.3.1 (2020-12-13) ### Fix - **search**: use phrase token when searching arrays (#1426) - **tests**: only temporarily modify the os.environ (#1423) - **build**: run tests against correct branch - read built-in plugin config from env vars (#1422) ### Refactor - **config**: simplify config settings from env vars (#1424) ## v8.3.0 (2020-12-12) ### Feat - add allowed environments to config endpoint (#1421) - add colors for Ack and Shelved statuses (#1420) - add syslog logging output format (#1417) ### Fix - remove redundant logging messages - use string enumerated types where possible (#1419) - add "X-Request-ID" as CORS header (#1418) - add requestId to error responses (#1415) - **webhook**: set alert status from action, not directly (#1409) - **mongodb**: optional query for raw_data and history (#1408) - **postgres**: optional query for raw_data and history (#1407) - set alert heartbeat timeout from alert timeout ### Perf - **db**: Do not query for rawData or history if not required