# Changelog ## [0.8.0-1] - 2022-04-07 ### Fixed - do not get `stderr` when preprocessing slides by [@maaslalani](https://github.com/maaslalani) in [#145](https://github.com/maaslalani/slides/pull/145) - Respect `GLAMOUR_STYLE` if environment variable is set by [@maaslalani](https://github.com/maaslalani) in [#146](https://github.com/maaslalani/slides/pull/146) - Slides tutor by [@maaslalani](https://github.com/maaslalani) in [#147](https://github.com/maaslalani/slides/pull/147) ## [0.7.3-1] - 2022-02-15 - Bump lots of dependencies - Get rid of lots of dependencies (Removed over 600 lines from go.sum) ## [0.7.2-1] - 2021-11-01 ### Added - Improvements to Search (using `bubbles#TextInput` component) in `slides` by [@darmiel](https://github.com/darmiel) in [#119](https://github.com/maaslalani/slides/pull/119) ## [0.7.1-1] - 2021-11-01 ### Added - Added Page Up and Page Down navigation by [@Janszczyrek](https://github.com/Janszczyrek) in [#115](https://github.com/maaslalani/slides/pull/115) - Improvements to exit code handling & virtual text reset ### Fixed - Fixed bug with executing the same code block multiple times. ## [0.7.0-1] - 2021-10-29 ### Added #### Search Functionality To quickly jump to the right slide, you can use the search functionality. Press `/`, enter your search term, and press `Enter`. (The search term is interpreted as a regular expression. The `/i` flag causes case-insensitivity.). Press `ctrl+n` after a search to go to the next search result. Thanks to [@darmiel](https://github.com/darmiel)! ## [0.6.1-1] - 2021-10-21 ### Added - Ability to run multiple code blocks in a single slide (thanks to [@linw1995](https://github.com/linw1995)). - Word wrapping support (thanks to [@gsol10](https://github.com/gsol10)). - Ability to use custom date format `YYY-MM-DD` for date formatting in metadata (thanks to [@cuducos](https://github.com/cuducos)). - Vim-like navigation (`5D`: go to slide 5, `gg`: go to first slide, `G`: go to last slide) (thanks to [@stoovon](https://github.com/stoovon)). - Added rust support to code execution (thanks to [@darmiel](https://github.com/darmiel)). ## [0.6.0-1] - 2021-10-21 ### Removed - Removed redundent ruby tests. ## [0.5.0-1] - 2021-08-25 ### Added #### Slides Customization Allows you to customize your presentation's look and feel with metadata at the top of your `slides.md`. (thanks to [@cuducos](https://github.com/cuducos)) This section is entirely optional, slides will use sensible defaults if this section or any field in the section is omitted. ``` --- theme: ./path/to/theme.json author: Gopher date: January 2, 2006 paging: Slide %d / %d --- ``` - `theme`: Path to json file containing a glamour theme, can also be a link to a remote json file which slides will fetch before presenting. - `author`: A string to display on the bottom-left corner of the presentation view. Defaults to the OS current user's full name. Can be empty to hide the author. - `date`: A string that is used to format today's date in the form 2006-01-02. If the date is not a valid form of 2006-01-02 the contents of the string will be displayed. Defaults to 2006-01-02. - `paging`: A string that contains 0 or more %d directives. The first %d will be replaced with the current slide number and the second %d will be replaced with the total slides count. Defaults to Slide %d / %d. #### Code Block Execution Added `lua` support. ### Fixed - Ordered lists now respect the first number as a starting point. ## [0.4.1-1] - 2021-07-05 ### Added - Support for `perl` code execution. ### Fixed - Custom themes now work (thanks to [@itmecho](https://github.com/itmecho)) - Slides will not crash with small slides (`<= 1`) ## [0.4.0-1] - 2021-06-27 ### Added #### Pre-processing `slides` now has the ability to have commands run and executed before presenting slides (pre-processing). To use this feature, you must: - Use a file for your slides (no `stdin`, for security reasons) - `chmod +x file.md`, change file permissions to be able to execute code on slides (for security reasons) In your `slides.md`, you can write a code block with this structure (use tildes `~`). When you go to present slides (that are executable, `chmod +x slides.md`), `slides` will parse the code block and run the `command to run` and pass in the text inside the code block as `stdin` to the command. The entire code block will then be replace by the `stdout` of the command you want to run. ``` ~~~command to run stdin ~~~ ``` This allows you to: - Import text from other files with ``` ~~~xargs cat examples/import.md ~~~ ``` - Render GraphViz graphs with `graph-easy` ``` ~~~graph-easy --as=boxart [ A ] -> [ B ] ~~~ ``` - A lot more... ### Changed - slides added to nixpkgs-unstable @ v0.3.0 - Added support for javascript code execution (using node) - Added support for elixir code execution (thanks to @suzaku) - hand Breaking: Removed ~~~ as a slide delimiter (for pre-processing), use --- always instead. - Code block execution results are no longer rendered as Markdown. (thanks to @suzaku) - Fix bug to be able to parse code blocks without trailing new lines. (thanks to @suzaku) ## [0.3.0-1] - 2021-06-21 ### Added - Support for Live Slides Update by [@sibprogrammer](https://github.com/sibprogrammer) ### Changed - When there is a code block on the current slide, you can press `ctrl+e` to execute it and the output will display as virtual text on the slide at the end. Supported languages are bash, ruby, python, and go. ## [0.2.0-1] - 2021-06-13 ### Added - Execute code blocks for supported languages (bash, go, ruby, python) - User customizable themes. ## [0.1.2-1] - 2021-06-09 ### Added - Allows users to pipe in slides from `stdin` which allows for `curl`ing remote slides and presenting them as well as piping multiple files into one (with `cat`) and much more. - Allow users to specify any chroma supported theme instead of manually specifying colors. ### Fixed - Fix `go vet ./...` Redefinition - https://github.com/maaslalani/slides/issues/14 - Fix the displayed date format - https://github.com/maaslalani/slides/issues/11 ### AUR #### Fixed - Added `check()` back into the build. #### Added - Added this changelog document. ## [0.1.1-3] - 2021-06-09 ### AUR #### Added - Added note in PKGBUILD about broken `check()` functionality due to https://github.com/maaslalani/slides/issues/14 ## [0.1.1-2] - 2021-06-08 ### AUR #### Changed - Fixed declared PKGBUILD dependencies. ## [0.1.1-1] - 2021-06-07 - 0e97b0a Merge pull request #10 from meowgorithm/bump-libs - 5e39ade Update deprecated method of entering the altscreen - e90da58 Update bubbletea/bubbles/glamour/lipgloss dependencies - 6672f28 Update README.md - 93ccd25 Internal API ## [0.1.0] - 2021-06-06 - 22b6fa2 go 1.16 - 6699e8a Create goreleaser.yml - 95634ae Merge pull request #6 from sibprogrammer/bugfix-slide-separator - 2489fac Merge pull request #8 from sibprogrammer/bugfix-slide-numbers - 4e94e57 Merge pull request #4 from sibprogrammer/bugfix-makefile-errors - a108f30 Fix #7 Display the correct number of slides and current one - 0a15388 Fix #5 Allow to use triple dashes as a slide separator - adb8dba Fix Makefile errors - 47d2a87 embed styles - 9b249b6 Revert "no need for user to specify theme.json" - 7af1081 no need for user to specify theme.json - e90002f Merge pull request #3 from angristan/render-error - 17a5ed7 Show markdown rendering error to user - cb40fa9 pr template - 9480b07 Create CONTRIBUTING.md - 9be3b16 Update issue templates - 59326ce add space as next slides, swap down & up keys - 1c6b5df Add credits - 0f1ebff remove double import - ffca702 moar - eceb2c4 lil more error handling - 44cfcf6 Remove hardcoded values - babdab1 Move demo to top - 6ed3fe6 Add readme.md - 0c87800 Create makefile - 1cf7d3f Create license - debbccc theme.json - 20c68ad JoinVertical - 5bcb013 progress - d27e870 WIP - 39df02c Markdown - 6fc439b Initial commit