See the full changelog at 1.7.0 (June 28, 2020) Add -b/--block feature to hide specified streamers from all output except -c/--check Switch to cURL, away from wget (it's faster now that less requests are being made) Speed improvements for -c/--check Small man page improvements 1.7.1 (July 6, 2020) Fixed issue #5 where user settings may be read incorrectly 2.0.0 (August 24, 2020) New command style: no more flags! ("wtwitch c" instead of "wtwitch -c") Instead of "wtwitch [streamer]" to watch a streamer, use "wtwitch w [streamer]" Added commands to search games and channels wtwitch e [category/game] wtwitch n [channel] Added blocking/subscribing/unsubscribing to more than 1 channel at a time Keep track of last time offline subscriptions were seen online Improved compatibility with macOS with patches from René de Hesselle Added German localization improvement patch from René de Hesselle 2.1.0 (September 7, 2020) Added bash completion file (built in to AUR package)