# Learn how to configure the Mercure.rocks Hub on https://mercure.rocks/docs/hub/config { http_port 3000 https_port 3001 # HTTP/3 support servers { protocol { experimental_http3 } } } # Automatic HTTPS does not work with the systemd service unit. # Change port to your https_port and enable the tls setting, if you want to use HTTPS. :3000 #tls /etc/ssl/certs/cert.pem /etc/ssl/private/key.pem log route { encode zstd gzip mercure { # Transport to use (default to Bolt) transport_url bolt:///run/mercure/mercure.db # Publisher JWT key publisher_jwt !ChangeMe! # Subscriber JWT key subscriber_jwt !ChangeMe! } respond /healthz 200 respond "Not Found" 404 }