2018-02-22 Joffrey * Version: 6.2.5-5 * seahub.install: File removed 2018-02-05 Joffrey * Version: 6.2.5-4 * PKGBUILD: Use python lib seahub interpreter for all scripts Require seafile-server same version Don't use strip again Remove seahub-preupgrade it is no longer compatible 2018-02-03 Joffrey * Version: 6.2.5-3 * ChangeLog: Add Changelog * PKGBUILD: Use python2-virtualenv only for makedepends Python modules utils are added to requirements.txt Seahub virtualenv is now to /usr/lib/seahub (more appropriate) Fix subprocess exception if gunicorn already installed * seahub-preupgrade: Will no longer be installed, it isn't a part of seahub sources, an ArchLinux user can package it, it will be deleted soon. * nginx.example.conf: Add nginx configuration example for https and wsgi https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/plain/nginx.example.conf?h=seahub * seahub.install: Remove old virtualenv and seahub-preupgrade of your system