2013-02-28 FoolEcho * 1.8-4 : Added prepare() (pacman 4.1). Code presentation. * 1.8-3 : Added ChangeLog. Patched the sources to save and restore the game settings (volumes and ranks ; not tested but ranks should be also accrued with ranks from Return of the Hylian and Oni Link Begins) in your HOME (with the saves). Patched the sources to be able to remove old saves from the game menu. 2013-02-26 FoolEcho * 1.8-2 : Added timidity++ as dependency in order to have music in game (musics are .mid ; you need to install and configure a soundfont such as timidity-freepats or fluidr3); Corrections of the PKGBUILD (.install) 2013-02-14 FoolEcho * 1.8-1 : First release (PKGBUILD initially based on zelda-roth-en and so on)