# Terms of Service We, the folks at EasyEDA, run a service called EasyEDA.com and would love for you to use it. Our service is designed to give you as much control and ownership over what goes on as possible. However, be responsible in what apps you upload and publish. In particular, make sure that none of the prohibited items listed below appear in your data (things like spam, viruses, or hate content). The following terms and conditions govern all use of the EasyEDA website and all content, services and products available at or through the website (taken together, the Service). The Service is owned and operated by EasyEDA LCC, ("EasyEDA"). The Service is offered subject to your acceptance without modification of all of the terms and conditions contained herein and all other operating rules, policies (including, without limitation, EasyEDA’s Privacy Policy) and procedures that may be published from time to time on this Site by EasyEDA (collectively, the “Agreement”). Please read this Agreement carefully before accessing or using the Service. By accessing or using any part of the web site, you agree to become bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement. If you do not agree to all the terms and conditions of this agreement, then you may not access the Service or use any services. If these terms and conditions are considered an offer by EasyEDA, acceptance is expressly limited to these terms. The Service is available only to individuals who are at least 13 years old. ## The EasyEDA Account Your EasyEDA Account and Site. If you register for the Service, you are responsible for maintaining the security of your account, and you are fully responsible for all activities that occur under the account and any other actions taken in connection with the account. You must immediately notify EasyEDA of any unauthorized uses of your account or any other breaches of security. EasyEDA will not be liable for any acts or omissions by You, including any damages of any kind incurred as a result of such acts or omissions. ## The EasyEDA Service The Website facilitates users who have created an account ("members") sharing, building and collaborating on design and other elements of hardware and electronic development. If you become a member of the Website you will be able to browse (and fork) designs, access crowdsourced libraries of open source hardware components and explore new ideas and developments with other members on the license terms specified by the user who has made their design available to the community. ## Sharing Designs and other Content If you share designs, technical materials including specifications and other documentation) on the Website ("Designs"), you are agreeing that other users can view, modify and distribute such Designs and the resulting products can be sold freely by such users subject to such users’ compliance with the license terms attached to the Designs provided by you. Any use made of your Designs by other users is a contractual arrangement between you and the relevant user; not EasyEDA. You will not be entitled to any royalties from users for their incorporation of any of your Designs unless you have made that content available under a royalty-bearing license arrangement and by granting a license to other members you are agreeing not to enforce any patent rights against such users in relation to the licensed Designs. - You are responsible for maintaining the security of your file. If you do not want to allow people to fork your project, you must make sure that you set your project as private. - Make sure you have created a strong password to protect your account. We have tried our best to protect your password: before sending your password to our server, we have encrypted it and we will encrypt the encrypted password again in our server. - You may not use the Service for any illegal or unauthorized purpose. You must not, in your use of the Service, violate any laws in your jurisdiction. - EasyEDA does not share, sell, rent, or trade any information provided with third parties for their promotional purposes. - EasyEDA does not allow any adult content. - All files created to the site belongs to the poster. EasyEDA does not own, nor has any claim to, your IP (Intellectual Property ). ## Copyright Contact Information If you are the copyright owner of a file and feel it has been uploaded without your permission, you may file a DMCA Complaint via email to `support@easyeda.com` ## Advertising The Website may be provided with advertisements. If You elect to have any business dealings with anyone whose products or services may be advertised on the Website, You acknowledge and agree that such dealings are solely between You and such advertiser and You further acknowledge and agree that EasyEDA shall not have any responsibility or liability for any losses or damages that You may incur as a result of any such dealings. It is your responsibility to ascertain whether any information or materials downloaded from this Website or any advertiser's websites are free of viruses, worms, Trojan Horses, or other items of a potentially destructive nature. This Terms of Service is licensed under a [Creative Commons License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/) and based on the template from [Automattic](http://automattic.com/). Last Updated: May 30, 2015