======================================================================== ソフトウェア使用許諾契約 ======================================================================== 本ソフトウェアをご使用になる前に、以下の契約条件をよくお読みください。 お客様が本ソフトウェアをご使用になるには、以下の契約条項に同意いただくこ とが必要です。 なお、お客様が本ソフトウェアをご使用になられた時点で、お客様が以下の契約 条件に同意し、株式会社リコー(以下、リコー)との間で本使用許諾契約が成立 したものとさせていただきます。 1. リコーは、お客様に対し、本ソフトウェアに対応するリコー製品を利用する 目的で本ソフトウェアを使用する非独占的権利を許諾します。 2. 本ソフトウェアおよびその複製物に関する権利は、リコーに帰属します。 3. リコーは、商用性、本ソフトウェアを使用して得られる性能または結果、お よび特定目的への適合性、本ソフトウェアに関する非侵害、または本ソフト ウェアに瑕疵がないこと、その他本ソフトウェアに関していかなる保証もい たしません。 4. リコーは、本ソフトウェアの使用に付随または関連して生ずるデータの喪失 もしくは欠陥、またはこれらにより生じた損害(収入または利益の逸失を含 みます)について、直接的または間接的かを問わず、いかなる場合において も一切の責任を負いません。 5. お客様は、日本国政府または該当国の政府より必要な許可等を得ることなし に、本ソフトウェアの全部または一部を、直接または間接に輸出してはなり ません。 6. この契約は、日本法に従って解釈されるものとします。この契約の解釈に 当っては、日本語を正文とします。英語による翻訳文は参照の目的にのみ存 在し、いかなる意味においても、この契約の解釈には影響を与えないものと します。この契約に関してお客様とリコーとの間で生じた全ての紛争は、日 本国東京地方裁判所の専属管轄権に服するものとします。 本ソフトウェアは、以下のオープンソースソフトウェアを利用しています。 (1) Common UNIX Printing System (1) Common UNIX Printing System について ----------------------------------------- http://www.cups.org Common UNIX Printing System Copyright: [From the LICENSE.txt file. GPL and LGPL cut for brevity; for a copy, look in /usr/share/common-licenses, files GPL and LGPL-2.] Common UNIX Printing System License Agreement Copyright 1997-2002 by Easy Software Products 44141 AIRPORT VIEW DR STE 204 HOLLYWOOD, MARYLAND 20636-3111 USA Voice: +1.301.373.9600 Email: cups-info@cups.org WWW: http://www.cups.org INTRODUCTION The Common UNIX Printing System(tm), ("CUPS(tm)"), is provided under the GNU General Public License ("GPL") and GNU Library General Public License ("LGPL"), Version 2, with exceptions for Apple operating systems and the OpenSSL toolkit. A copy of the exceptions and licenses follow this introduction. The GNU LGPL applies to the CUPS API library, located in the "cups" subdirectory of the CUPS source distribution and in the "cups" include directory and library files in the binary distributions. The GNU GPL applies to the remainder of the CUPS distribution, including the "pdftops" filter which is based upon Xpdf and the CUPS imaging library. For those not familiar with the GNU GPL, the license basically allows you to: - Use the CUPS software at no charge. - Distribute verbatim copies of the software in source or binary form. - Sell verbatim copies of the software for a media fee, or sell support for the software. - Distribute or sell printer drivers and filters that use CUPS so long as source code is made available under the GPL. What this license *does not* allow you to do is make changes or add features to CUPS and then sell a binary distribution without source code. You must provide source for any new drivers, changes, or additions to the software, and all code must be provided under the GPL or LGPL as appropriate. The only exceptions to this are the portions of the CUPS software covered by the Apple operating system license exceptions outlined later in this license agreement. The GNU LGPL relaxes the "link-to" restriction, allowing you to develop applications that use the CUPS API library under other licenses and/or conditions as appropriate for your application. LICENSE EXCEPTIONS In addition, as the copyright holder of CUPS, Easy Software Products grants the following special exceptions: 1. Apple Operating System Development License Exception; a. Software that is developed by any person or entity for an Apple Operating System ("Apple OS-Developed Software"), including but not limited to Apple and third party printer drivers, filters, and backends for an Apple Operating System, that is linked to the CUPS imaging library or based on any sample filters or backends provided with CUPS shall not be considered to be a derivative work or collective work based on the CUPS program and is exempt from the mandatory source code release clauses of the GNU GPL. You may therefore distribute linked combinations of the CUPS imaging library with Apple OS-Developed Software without releasing the source code of the Apple OS-Developed Software. You may also use sample filters and backends provided with CUPS to develop Apple OS-Developed Software without releasing the source code of the Apple OS-Developed Software. b. An Apple Operating System means any operating system software developed and/or marketed by Apple Computer, Inc., including but not limited to all existing releases and versions of Apple's Darwin, Mac OS X, and Mac OS X Server products and all follow-on releases and future versions thereof. c. This exception is only available for Apple OS-Developed Software and does not apply to software that is distributed for use on other operating systems. d. All CUPS software that falls under this license exception have the following text at the top of each source file: This file is subject to the Apple OS-Developed Software exception. 2. OpenSSL Toolkit License Exception; a. Easy Software Products explicitly allows the compilation and distribution of the CUPS software with the OpenSSL Toolkit. No developer is required to provide these exceptions in a derived work. TRADEMARKS Easy Software Products has trademarked the Common UNIX Printing System, CUPS, and CUPS logo. These names and logos may be used freely in any direct port or binary distribution of CUPS. Please contract Easy Software Products for written permission to use them in derivative products. Our intention is to protect the value of these trademarks and ensure that any derivative product meets the same high-quality standards as the original. BINARY DISTRIBUTION RIGHTS Easy Software Products also sells rights to the CUPS source code under a binary distribution license for vendors that are unable to release source code for their drivers, additions, and modifications to CUPS under the GNU GPL and LGPL. For information please contact us at the address shown above. The Common UNIX Printing System provides a "pdftops" filter that is based on the Xpdf software. For binary distribution licensing of this software, please contact: Derek B. Noonburg Email: derekn@foolabs.com WWW: http://www.foolabs.com/xpdf/ SUPPORT Easy Software Products sells software support for CUPS as well as a commercial printing product based on CUPS called ESP Print Pro. You can find out more at our web site: http://www.easysw.com/