# # Do not edit this file -- it gets generated from Makefile.inc.in. # Your changes will be lost the next time ./configure is run. # OMNETPP_PRODUCT = OMNeT++ OMNETPP_RELEASE = omnetpp-5.3p1 OMNETPP_VERSION = 5.3p1 OMNETPP_BUILDID = 171221-c6b3c50 OMNETPP_EDITION = Academic Public License -- NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE # variable to show that the message compiler has a temporary patch applied OMNETPP_MSGC_PATCH_VER = 1 # # Optional features (set to "yes" to enable the feature) # WITH_QTENV ?= yes WITH_OSG ?= yes WITH_OSGEARTH ?= yes WITH_NETBUILDER ?= yes WITH_PARSIM ?= yes WITH_SYSTEMC ?= no WITH_TKENV ?= yes EMBED_TCL_CODE ?= yes PREFER_SQLITE_RESULT_FILES ?= no # # SHARED_LIBS determines whether omnetpp is built as shared or static libs # By default we use shared libs # SHARED_LIBS ?= yes # # Directories # # NOTE: it is important to evaluate the current path immediately in this file using := OMNETPP_ROOT := $(abspath $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) OMNETPP_IMAGE_PATH := ./bitmaps:./images:$(OMNETPP_ROOT)/images OMNETPP_BIN_DIR = $(OMNETPP_ROOT)/bin OMNETPP_INCL_DIR = $(OMNETPP_ROOT)/include OMNETPP_LIB_DIR = $(OMNETPP_ROOT)/lib$(OUTPUT_PREFIX) OMNETPP_OUT_DIR = $(OMNETPP_ROOT)/out$(OUTPUT_PREFIX) OMNETPP_SRC_DIR = $(OMNETPP_ROOT)/src OMNETPP_UTILS_DIR = $(OMNETPP_SRC_DIR)/utils OMNETPP_TKENV_DIR = $(OMNETPP_SRC_DIR)/tkenv OMNETPP_UI_DIR = $(OMNETPP_ROOT)/ui OMNETPP_DOC_DIR = $(OMNETPP_ROOT)/doc OMNETPP_SAMPLES_DIR = $(OMNETPP_ROOT)/samples OMNETPP_TEST_DIR = $(OMNETPP_ROOT)/test PLATFORM = linux.x86_64 # platform specific code ifeq ($(PLATFORM),win32.x86_64) OMNETPP_TOOLS_DIR = $(OMNETPP_ROOT)/tools/win64 OMNETPP_IMAGE_PATH := $(shell cygpath -p -m '$(OMNETPP_IMAGE_PATH)') else ifeq ($(PLATFORM),macosx) OMNETPP_TOOLS_DIR = $(OMNETPP_ROOT)/tools/macosx else # Linux and other platforms do not have a tools directory endif # # Configure MODE specific flags/suffixes # ifeq ($(MODE),debug) CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS_DEBUG) D=_dbg else # by default assume release mode MODE=release CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS_RELEASE) D= endif # use statically built omnetpp if we are building the IDE native helper library ifeq ($(BUILDING_UILIBS),yes) SHARED_LIBS=no OUTPUT_PREFIX=/ui endif # # Configname determines where (in which subdirectory of out/) # makemake-generated makefiles create object files and other # build artifacts. # CONFIGNAME ?= $(TOOLCHAIN_NAME)-$(MODE) # # Control verbosity. Specifiying V=1 will make the build output verbose. You can use: # $(Q) to hide commands only in quiet mode # $(qecho) to print out something only in quite mode # $(vecho) to print out something only in verbose mode # ifeq ($(V),1) Q := vecho = @echo qecho = @true else Q := @ vecho = @true qecho = @echo endif # Recursive wildcard function. Call like: $(call opp_rwildcard, src/, *.c *.h) opp_rwildcard=$(foreach d,$(wildcard $1*),$(call opp_rwildcard,$d/,$2) $(filter $(subst *,%,$2),$d)) # # tools, libraries and compiler flags detected by ./configure # PERL = perl YACC = bison -y LEX = flex CC = clang CXX = clang++ TOOLCHAIN_NAME = clang DEFINES = -DHAVE_SWAPCONTEXT -DWITH_MPI CFLAGS_DEBUG = -g -Wall CFLAGS_RELEASE = -O3 -march=native -mtune=native -DNDEBUG=1 CFLAGS += -MMD -MP -MF $(basename $@).d -fPIC -Wno-deprecated-register -Wno-unused-function -fno-stack-protector $(DEFINES) CXXFLAGS = -std=c++11 LDFLAG_LIBPATH = -L LDFLAG_INCLUDE = -Wl,-u, LDFLAG_LIB = -l LDFLAG_IMPLIB = -Wl,--out-implib, LDFLAGS = -Wl,-rpath,$(OMNETPP_LIB_DIR) -Wl,-rpath,$(OMNETPP_TOOLS_DIR)/lib -Wl,-rpath,. -Wl,--export-dynamic $(LDFLAG_LIBPATH)$(OMNETPP_LIB_DIR) WHOLE_ARCHIVE_ON = -Wl,--whole-archive WHOLE_ARCHIVE_OFF = -Wl,--no-whole-archive AS_NEEDED_ON = -Wl,--as-needed AS_NEEDED_OFF = -Wl,--no-as-needed PIC_FLAGS = -fPIC MSGC = opp_msgc SMC = opp_smc NEDTOOL = opp_nedtool AS = as AR = ar cr ARFLAG_OUT = RANLIB = ranlib SHLIB_LD = clang++ -shared -fPIC DLLTOOL = dlltool STRIP = strip WISH = wish MAKEDEPEND = opp_makedep -Y --objdirtree LN = ln -f MKPATH = mkdir -p SHLIB_POSTPROCESS = opp_shlib_postprocess SWIG = swig QMAKE = /usr/bin/qmake MOC=/usr/bin/moc UIC=/usr/bin/uic RCC=/usr/bin/rcc HAVE_DLOPEN = 1 SYS_LIBS = -ldl -lstdc++ TK_CFLAGS = TK_LIBS = -ltk8.6 -ltcl8.6 QT_CFLAGS = -isystem /usr/include/qt -isystem /usr/include/qt/QtCore -isystem /usr/include/qt/QtGui -isystem /usr/include/qt/QtWidgets -isystem /usr/include/qt/QtOpenGL -isystem /usr/include/qt/QtPrintSupport QT_LIBS = -lQt5Gui -lQt5Core -lQt5Widgets -lQt5PrintSupport -lQt5OpenGL -L/usr/lib -Wl,-rpath=/usr/lib QTENV_LDFLAGS = -Wl,-rpath-link=/usr/lib OSG_CFLAGS = OSG_LIBS = -losg -losgDB -losgGA -losgViewer -losgUtil -lOpenThreads OSGEARTH_CFLAGS = OSGEARTH_LIBS = -losgEarth -losgEarthUtil ZLIB_CFLAGS = ZLIB_LIBS = -lz MPI_CFLAGS = -pthread MPI_LIBS = -pthread -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/usr/lib/openmpi -Wl,--enable-new-dtags -L/usr/lib/openmpi -lmpi_cxx -lmpi PTHREAD_CFLAGS = PTHREAD_LIBS = -lpthread XMLPARSER = expat XML_CFLAGS = XML_LIBS = -lexpat DEFINES += -DXMLPARSER=$(XMLPARSER) AKAROA_CFLAGS = -I/usr/local/akaroa/include AKAROA_LIBS = -L/usr/local/akaroa/lib -lakaroa -lfl JNILIBS_IF_POSSIBLE = jnilibs JAVA_CFLAGS = JAVA_LIBS = # # platform specific library and executable prefixes and extensions # A_LIB_SUFFIX = .a SO_LIB_SUFFIX = .so DLL_LIB_SUFFIX = .dll JNI_LIB_SUFFIX = $(SO_LIB_SUFFIX) EXE_SUFFIX = LIB_PREFIX = lib SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX = $(SO_LIB_SUFFIX) # # omnetpp and system libraries linked with the simulations # TKENV_LIBS = $(LDFLAG_INCLUDE)_tkenv_lib $(AS_NEEDED_OFF) -lopptkenv$D -loppenvir$D -lopplayout$D QTENV_LIBS = $(LDFLAG_INCLUDE)_qtenv_lib $(AS_NEEDED_OFF) $(QTENV_LDFLAGS) -loppqtenv$D -loppenvir$D -lopplayout$D CMDENV_LIBS = $(LDFLAG_INCLUDE)_cmdenv_lib $(AS_NEEDED_OFF) -loppcmdenv$D -loppenvir$D ALL_ENV_LIBS = $(CMDENV_LIBS) KERNEL_LIBS = -loppsim$D OPPMAIN_LIB = $(LDFLAG_LIB)oppmain$D # # flags and libraries required for Qtenv # ifeq ($(WITH_QTENV),yes) DEFINES += -DPREFER_QTENV -DWITH_QTENV # libraries required for static linking ifneq ($(SHARED_LIBS),yes) QTENV_LIBS += $(QT_LIBS) ifeq ($(WITH_OSG),yes) QTENV_LIBS += $(OSG_LIBS) KERNEL_LIBS += -losg -lOpenThreads endif ifeq ($(WITH_OSGEARTH),yes) QTENV_LIBS += $(OSGEARTH_LIBS) KERNEL_LIBS += -losgEarth endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),macosx) QTENV_LIBS += -framework Carbon endif endif ALL_ENV_LIBS += $(QTENV_LIBS) endif # # flags and libraries required for Ttenv # ifeq ($(WITH_TKENV),yes) DEFINES += -DWITH_TKENV # libraries required for static linking ifneq ($(SHARED_LIBS),yes) TKENV_LIBS += $(TK_LIBS) $(ZLIB_LIBS) ifeq ($(PLATFORM),macosx) TKENV_LIBS += -framework Carbon endif endif ALL_ENV_LIBS += $(TKENV_LIBS) endif # # Other defines # ifeq ($(WITH_PARSIM),yes) DEFINES += -DWITH_PARSIM # extra libs needed during static building ifneq ($(SHARED_LIBS),yes) KERNEL_LIBS += $(MPI_LIBS) endif endif ifeq ($(WITH_NETBUILDER),yes) DEFINES += -DWITH_NETBUILDER endif # note: defines for OSG and osgEarth must be available even if WITH_QTENV=no ifeq ($(WITH_OSG),yes) DEFINES += -DWITH_OSG endif ifeq ($(WITH_OSGEARTH),yes) DEFINES += -DWITH_OSGEARTH endif # # toolchain specific flags and options # ifeq ($(TOOLCHAIN_NAME),clangc2) # this macro can be used to pass EXPORT macros to the compiler if omnet is built as shared library ifeq ($(SHARED_LIBS),yes) IMPORT_DEFINES = -DOMNETPPLIBS_IMPORT EXPORT_DEFINES = $(EXPORT_MACRO) endif endif # # handle differences between shared and static lib builds # ifeq ($(SHARED_LIBS),yes) LIB_SUFFIX = $(SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX) else LIB_SUFFIX = $(A_LIB_SUFFIX) # extra libraries needed when statically linking (because of indirect dependencies) KERNEL_LIBS += -loppnedxml$D -loppcommon$D $(XML_LIBS) endif