.PHONY: all clean verify force-build update-checksums PACKAGE=akku-*-any.pkg.tar.xz # default all: $(PACKAGE) @make verify @make .SRCINFO clean: -rm *.tar.* -rm -R src/ -rm -R pkg/ # NOTE: excludes are only used to prevent namcap false positives over Guile object (.go) files verify: PKGBUILD $(PACKAGE) @namcap PKGBUILD @namcap --exclude=anyelf,elfgnurelro,elfunstripped,elfnopie $(PACKAGE) # forces a full makepkg build force-build: @LC_ALL=C makepkg -f --clean # downloads files, generates checksums and updates them on PKGBUILD update-checksums: makepkg --verifysource --skipchecksums -f --nobuild --noextract updpkgsums .SRCINFO: PKGBUILD @makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO $(PACKAGE): PKGBUILD @make force-build