default: build prep: clean namcap rm -rf Gemfile.lock bundle install # Fetches latest version info, updates # PKGBUILD, and creates a .commit_msg bundle exec ruby update.rb build: prep makepkg makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO # .commit_msg is created by update.rb, # if there is a new version. commit: .commit_msg echo "Committing: " cat .commit_msg git add .SRCINFO git add PKGBUILD git commit -S -s -F .commit_msg rm .commit_msg clean: git clean -fd rm -rf pkg src *.deb *.tar.xz namcap: namcap PKGBUILD # too many failures we can't correct due to PKGBUILD design shellcheck: shellcheck PKGBUILD vet: namcap shellcheck