# Update the checksums and build the package all: updpkgsums makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO makepkg -sr # Same as all, but will install it to the local system as well install: updpkgsums makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO makepkg -sri # Updates PKGBUILD with the latest version and build the package update: sed 's/^pkgver=.*$$/pkgver=$(shell $(MAKE) -s versions | head -n 1)/' -i PKGBUILD sed 's/^pkgrel=.*$$/pkgrel=1/' -i PKGBUILD $(MAKE) # List the versions available on GitHub versions: @curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/jbangdev/jbang/releases | jq -r ".[] | .tag_name | ltrimstr(\"v\")" # Remove the files downloaded and created in the build process clean: rm -rf pkg src jbang-*.tar jbang-*.pkg.tar.zst LICENSE publish: git add . git commit -m "Update to version $(shell $(MAKE) versions | head -n 1)." git push git push origin master