NOTES =============================================================================== I may not be able to update this aur package as quickly as some folks would like. I have disowned the package before, but nobody else stepped up to maintain it. Since I have to force the dkms modules into submission every so often anyway, I might as well continue to update this package whenever I am able, or until a new maintainer takes over. ~MK These patches are currently only compatible with the dkms module sources that come with VMware Workstation/Player 12.5, as far as I'm aware. ~MK A fair amount of the patches, I adapt from here: It's not always a one-to-one copy, as our patches seem to go back further than these, and, at the time of this writing, these patches are not updated for VMware Workstation/Player 12.5. There are also various other differences. ~MK I cannot test how the changes I make affect every version of the Linux kernel, so things might break if you're using an older version. Let me know if this happens and I'll see what I can do. ~MK Some of the changes made in commit 39dbbade236e336560e3db67cd6864bbf400da34 may need some review. In particular, the changes to the patching of vmci/linux/driver.c. This may also require a review of the change to vmci/shared/vmci_kernel_if.h. ~MK The version number we're using for the package (currently 308) comes from the VMMON_VERSION define in vmmon/include/iocontrols.h. This only seems to change with bumps to the major version number of VMware Workstation/Player, while the actual dkms module sources change more often. I would like to find something more reliable to base our version number on. In doing so, we might open up the possibility to make this package compatible with multiple versions of the dkms modules. ~MK I have my text editor set to trim trailing whitespace, and to ensure that files always end with a newline. Because of this, some superfluous patch chunks will likely make their way into the patches from time to time. Getting rid of these isn't the highest priority, but as I have time, I will try to neaten up the patch files. ~MK I considered adding the VMware Player 12.5 bundle to sources in PKGBUILD, so that we have a guaranteed fresh copy of the dkms module sources, but I have decided against it for the time-being. Feedback on this would be appreciated. ~MK I would like to see about making an open-vm-tools package that is compatible with this one, as it would seem that there are many components in open-vm-tools, and only a small subset actually conflict. ~MK Currently, vsock doesn't work. It compiles fine, but it spits out symbol version disagreements when you try to load it. ~MK