# Edit this file by (un)commenting the libraries that you (don't) want to # build in order to get the corresponding features in liquidsoap. # The default file has every dependency enabled. # It is certain that you don't need everything. # If you don't know why you should have something, uncomment it, # especially if it does not build for some reason. # It is useless to add savonet packages that are not listed below, # like ocaml-fetch, ocaml-smbclient, etc. These are not dependencies of # liquidsoap. # ============================================================================ # Input/output # ============================================================================ # Cry is the lib for streaming to icecast and compatible servers. ocaml-cry # AO is portable and stable, but it does only output. ocaml-ao # Portaudio is a portable audio library with both input and output. ocaml-portaudio # ALSA is only for LINUX, and is sometimes not working. #ocaml-alsa # PulseAudio is a cross-plateform audio sound server. It is intended to # be a single replacement for sound support under linux, windows or OSX. ocaml-pulseaudio # JACK is an audio connection kit, designed for low latency # and easy communication between audio applications. ocaml-bjack # Gstreamer is a library for constructing graphs of media-handling components. # It is currently used to provide audio and video encoding and decoding # as well as input and outputs such as V4l inputs. ocaml-gstreamer # ============================================================================ # Codecs # ============================================================================ # MAD is for MP3 decoding. ocaml-mad # TAGLIB is for MP3 ID3 tag reading ocaml-taglib # LAME is for MP3 encoding. ocaml-lame # SHINE is for fixed-point MP3 encoding. #ocaml-shine # AACPLUS is for AAC+ encoding. #ocaml-aacplus # OGG is for ogg/vorbis and ogg/theora encoding and decoding #ocaml-ogg # VORBIS is for ogg/vorbis encoding and decoding. # you need ocaml-ogg to enable ocaml-vorbis. ocaml-vorbis # SPEEX is for ogg/speex encoding and decoding # you need ocaml-ogg to enable ocaml-speex ocaml-speex # THEORA is for ogg/theora encoding and decoding # you need ocaml-ogg to enable ocaml-theora ocaml-theora # OPUS is s a lossy audio compression format made especially # suitable for interactive real-time applications over the Internet. # you need ocaml-ogg to enable ocaml-opus ocaml-opus # SCHROEDINGER is for ogg/dirac encoding and decoding # you need ocaml-ogg to enable ocaml-schroedinger ocaml-schroedinger # VOAACENC is for AAC encoding. #ocaml-voaacenc # FDK-AAC is for AAC and AAC+ encoding ocaml-fdkaac # FAAD for AAC decoding. ocaml-faad # FLAC is for flac, native and/or ogg (if using ocaml-ogg) # format decoding and encoding. ocaml-flac # ============================================================================ # Sound processing # ============================================================================ # LADSPA are audio plugins providing sound effects ocaml-ladspa # SoundTouch is for changing pitch and tempo of sound ocaml-soundtouch # Samplerate is for having better quality resampling ocaml-samplerate # ============================================================================ # Video processing # ============================================================================ # GAVL converts from and to many formats, # is very efficient and has a quality setting for # tweaking load vs. quality of the conversion. # It is the recommended module to use with video ocaml-gavl # FFMPEG is currently only used to convert from # and to many formats. #ocaml-ffmpeg # Frei0r is a minimalistic plugin API for video sources and filters. #ocaml-frei0r # ============================================================================ # Sound synthesis # ============================================================================ # DSSI is a standard for synthesizer plugins ocaml-dssi # ============================================================================ # Various modules # ============================================================================ # Xmlplaylist allow support for various xml format, such as rss, podcast, etc.. ocaml-xmlplaylist # Lastfm allow support for lastfm radios and the audioscrobbler protocol # It should be listed *after* ocaml-xmlplaylist in this file ocaml-lastfm # A library supporting the OSC protocol to have external controls # such as faders ocaml-lo # ============================================================================ # Finally, the mandatory lib dtools, duppy and liquidsoap... # ============================================================================ ocaml-dtools ocaml-duppy ocaml-mm liquidsoap