# Maintainer: tuxayo # Contributor: Michał Wojdyła < micwoj9292 at gmail dot com > # Contributor: Brenton Horne # Contributor: Sven-Hendrik Haase # Contributor: t3ddy # Contributor: Adrián Chaves Fernández (Gallaecio) pkgname=('0ad-git' '0ad-data-git') _pkgname=0ad epoch=1 pkgver=A26.r1323.g7998bc697f pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Cross-platform, 3D and historically-based real-time strategy game - built from git development version." arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://play0ad.com/" license=('GPL-2.0-or-later' 'CCPL') makedepends=('boost' 'cmake' 'mesa' 'zip' 'libsm' 'rust' 'python311' 'git' 'enet' 'fmt' 'gloox' 'glu' 'libgl' 'libminiupnpc.so' 'libogg' 'libpng' 'libsodium' 'libvorbis' 'miniupnpc' 'nspr' 'openal' 'sdl2' 'wxwidgets-gtk3' 'which') options=('!lto' '!debug') # lto breaks spidermonkey linking (https://bugs.gentoo.org/746947) source=("git+https://github.com/0ad/0ad.git" "patch.patch") md5sums=('SKIP' 'dcbd62e1fb4669c24318c8fe66143c4f') pkgver() { cd ${_pkgname} git describe --long --tags | sed 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g' } prepare() { cd "$srcdir/${_pkgname}" # fix for error: # source/ps/Util.cpp:27:1: note: ‘std::setfill’ is defined in header ‘’; did you forget to ‘#include ’? patch -p1 -i ../patch.patch } build() { cd "$srcdir/${_pkgname}/build/workspaces" # this uses malloc_usable_size, which is incompatible with fortification level 3 export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS/_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3/_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2}" export CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS/_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3/_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2}" # remove once this is fixed https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/6895 export PYTHON3=python3.11 ./update-workspaces.sh \ --without-pch \ --bindir=/usr/bin \ --libdir=/usr/lib/0ad \ --datadir=/usr/share/${pkgname}/data # cd "$srcdir/${_pkgname}/libraries/source/fcollada/src" # make # always keep uncommented # # OPTIONAL: uncomment for a debug build, it's a 2nd executable named # # `pyrogenesis_dbg` # # It's independent from the debug symbols and not as important as them. # # https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Debugging#CallstackonLinuxmacOS # # It's likely a small increase of build time. # # And up to a 1.2 GiB in total used space. (inc. package build files) # # Note there is something else to uncomment below in package_0ad-git() # # make config=debug cd gcc VERBOSE=1 make # always keep uncommented # OPTIONAL: uncomment for a debug build, see above # make config=debug } package_0ad-git() { depends=('0ad-data' 'binutils' 'boost-libs' 'curl' 'enet' 'libogg' 'libpng' 'libvorbis' 'libxml2' 'openal' 'sdl2' 'wxwidgets-gtk3' 'zlib' 'libgl' 'glu' 'fmt' 'gloox' 'miniupnpc' 'libminiupnpc.so' 'icu' 'nspr' 'libsodium' 'which') conflicts=('0ad') provides=('0ad') install -d "${pkgdir}"/usr/{bin,lib/0ad,share/"${_pkgname}"/data} cd "$srcdir/${_pkgname}" install -Dm755 binaries/system/pyrogenesis "${pkgdir}/usr/bin" # OPTIONAL: uncomment below for debug build. See the comments around the `make` calls #install -Dm755 binaries/system/pyrogenesis_dbg "${pkgdir}/usr/bin" install -Dm755 binaries/system/*.so "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/0ad" cp -r binaries/data/l10n/ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${_pkgname}/data/" install -Dm755 build/resources/${_pkgname}.sh "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${_pkgname}" install -Dm644 build/resources/${_pkgname}.desktop "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/${_pkgname}.desktop" install -Dm644 build/resources/${_pkgname}.png "${pkgdir}/usr/share/pixmaps/${_pkgname}.png" } package_0ad-data-git() { pkgdesc="Data package for 0ad built from git development version." conflicts=('0ad-data') provides=('0ad-data') mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/share/${_pkgname}-git cd "$srcdir/${_pkgname}" cp -r "binaries/data" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${_pkgname}-git" }