# Maintainer: Danilo J. S. Bellini pkgname=('6sv11') pkgver=1.1 pkgrel=2 _6s="Second Simulation of a Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum" pkgdesc="$_6s - Vector - 1.1" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url='http://6s.ltdri.org' license=('custom') makedepends=('gcc-fortran') depends=('gcc-libs') options=(!emptydirs) source=("http://rtwilson.com/downloads/6SV-1.1.tar") sha256sums=('eedf652e6743b3991b5b9e586da2f55c73f9c9148335a193396bf3893c2bc88f') prepare() { cd "$srcdir/6SV1.1/" # Use gfortran instead of g77 and add some extra options as described in # http://py6s.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html _fopts='-std=legacy -ffixed-line-length-none -ffpe-summary=none' sed -i "s/g77/gfortran $_fopts/g" Makefile # Creates a standalone license file from the only source file with this info cat > ../LICENSE <> ../LICENSE } build() { cd "$srcdir/6SV1.1/" make } package() { cd "$srcdir/6SV1.1/" install -Dm755 sixsV1.1 "$pkgdir/usr/bin/sixsV1.1" install -Dm644 ../LICENSE "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE" }