# Maintainer: DaveD # Contributor: jbreizh # Contributor: Malstrond # Contributor: Jean-Baptiste Le Coz # Contributor: Jose Riha # Contributor: Bazon pkgname=activinspire pkgver=3.3.15 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Presentation Software for use with Promethean Hardware products (manual user interaction required)." arch=('x86_64') url="https://support.prometheanworld.com/product/activinspire" license=('unknown') depends=(libxmu gst-plugins-base libjpeg-turbo libxrender libxkbcommon libxrandr libgl libxdamage snappy libgl fontconfig openssl-1.1 nss libxcomposite libxcursor libxtst dbus) optdepends=('activdriver: Driver for Promethean hardware' 'activtools: Tools for Promethean hardware, e.g. calibration or systray monitor') source=("local://activinspire_${pkgver}.2004-1.amd64_amd64.deb" "inspire.sh" "activityplayer.sh" "libre2.so.5" "libwebp.so.6" ) md5sums=('1ffab88a96ce74e202e319946b97899b' 'c9d1532b5dce33522a77b59a62478ddd' '4f8d3e07429c214cf6cc3f067fec76b7' 'fb8c55ea7f19bdcc81b51c911bbf565b' '13048084f7d2dc10dcb9378c9732da62' ) package() { # Manual instructions for the user echo "Manual download of the binary files required!" echo "1. Follow the instructions on the manufacturer's website to add their privately signed repository (only possible through Ubuntu 20.04?)" echo "2. Download the package (Ubuntu: 'sudo apt download activinspire')" echo "3. Copy the .deb file to your Arch Linux distribution (into the local build directory of this AUR package)." echo "4. Build and install this AUR package." # Extract software from debian archive. Exclude /etc/xdg (not needed) and /var/Promethean (created with the correct permissions below). bsdtar -C "$pkgdir" --exclude=./var --exclude=./etc/xdg --exclude=./usr/share/gnome-shell -xf data.tar.xz # Use /opt instead of /usr/local/bin for binaries to match Arch packaging standards for large self-contained packages. install -dm0755 "$pkgdir"/opt mv "$pkgdir"/usr/local/bin/activsoftware "$pkgdir"/opt/ rm -r "$pkgdir"/usr/local # Because we just changed the paths, now we need to fix the absolute paths that Promethean uses in their files. sed -i "s%/usr/local/bin%/usr/bin%" "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications/activsoftware.desktop sed -i "s%/usr/local/bin%/usr/bin%" "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications/activplayer.desktop # ActivInspire ships with functionality to disable compositing. This should really be handled by the users WM configuration, so we remove that. rm "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications/activsoftware-nc.desktop # The upstream launch scripts only work with Ubuntu, so we replace them with our own. install -dm0755 "$pkgdir"/usr/bin install -Dm755 inspire.sh "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/inspire install -Dm755 activityplayer.sh "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/activityplayer # This software attempts to create a lockfile in /var/Promethean/ActivInspire, the path is hardcoded. # Since it is started by the user, this directory needs to be world-writable, even if that's a bad idea. install -dm0777 "$pkgdir"/var/Promethean # Install libre2.so.5 and libwebp.so.6 from ubuntu focal deb package install -Dm755 libre2.so.5 "$pkgdir"/opt/activsoftware install -Dm755 libwebp.so.6 "$pkgdir"/opt/activsoftware }