# Maintainer: mistiru (Anaƫl Megna) pkgname=aegisub-japan7 pkgver=3.2.2.r442.8615152bc pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='A fork of aegisub project with custom predefined configuration' arch=(x86_64) url=https://github.com/odrling/Aegisub license=( GPL BSD ) depends=( alsa-lib amaranth-font boost-libs fftw fontconfig hunspell icu libass.so libffms2.so libgl libpulse openssl uchardet wxgtk3 zlib ) makedepends=( autoconf-archive boost git intltool lua mesa ) provides=(aegisub) conflicts=(aegisub) source=( aegisub::git+https://github.com/odrling/Aegisub.git git+https://github.com/Aegisub/assdraw.git ) sha256sums=( SKIP SKIP ) pkgver() { cd aegisub tag='v3.2.2' echo "${tag#v}.r$(git rev-list --count ${tag}..HEAD).$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" } prepare() { cd aegisub sed 's/$(LIBS_BOOST) $(LIBS_ICU)/$(LIBS_BOOST) $(LIBS_ICU) -pthread/' -i tools/Makefile cp -f /usr/share/aclocal/ax_boost_{chrono,filesystem,locale,regex,system,thread}.m4 m4macros/ ./autogen.sh } build() { cd aegisub # http://site.icu-project.org/download/61#TOC-Migration-Issues CPPFLAGS+=' -DU_USING_ICU_NAMESPACE=1' ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --with-wx-config=/usr/bin/wx-config-gtk3 \ --without-{portaudio,openal,oss} \ --disable-update-checker make } package() { cd aegisub make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install install -Dm 644 LICENCE -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/aegisub-git/ } # vim: ts=2 sw=2 et: