#@IgnoreInspection BashAddShebang # Maintainer: Jérémy "Vrakfall" Lecocq # Contributor: farwayer # Contributor: David Manouchehri # Contributor: Christoph Bayer # Contributor: Bence Hornák # Contributor: lestb # Contributor: danyf90 # Contributor: Philipp Wolfer # Contributor: Joel Pedraza # Contributor: Jakub Schmidtke _apilevel=29 _sdkShortVer=10 _sdkver="${_sdkShortVer}.0.0" _rev='r03' #_sdkver_char='Q' Not using it yet as it hasn't been revealed. Will probably be Q. Let me know if you find out. pkgname="android-platform-${_apilevel}" pkgver="${_apilevel}_${_sdkver}_${_rev}" # I use this version labeling scheme as an attempt to work with all notations. # across `AUR`. Some use the `API` level, some use the `SDK` version. This way, all the numbers are visible and this # should be a "higher number" than other versioning schemes (except between `API` levels and some very old versions). pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Android SDK Platform, API ${_apilevel}" arch=('any') # I actually don't think it works on x86, or not in a fine way. That requires some testing I don't have # the time to do anyway. url="https://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html" license=('custom') # TODO: Link to the license. depends=('android-sdk' 'android-sdk-platform-tools') options=('!strip') source=("https://dl.google.com/android/repository/platform-${_apilevel}_${_rev}.zip") sha1sums=('670e2e104333dae90e16ea3b615f0b63da5883ae') sha256sums=('40407df6142ea30da51a3ed48cad9c4ec3bcd6877ea66f69a1faab6f000f43f8') package() { _destdir="${pkgdir}/opt/android-sdk/platforms" mkdir -p "${_destdir}" mv "${srcdir}/android-${_sdkShortVer}" "${_destdir}/android-${_apilevel}" chmod -R ugo+rX "${pkgdir}/opt" }