# Maintainer: Yaohan Chen pkgname=anura-git pkgver=0.0.2160.gaada7d7 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A fully-featured game engine, the tech behind the spectacular Frogatto & Friends." arch=(i686 x86_64) url="https://github.com/anura-engine/anura" license=('GPL') depends=(libgl mesa glew glm sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_ttf sdl2_mixer libpng boost-libs) optdepends=('frogatto-git: the default game module' 'box2d: box2d physics') makedepends=(git boost) source=('git+https://github.com/anura-engine/anura.git#branch=trunk' anura.sh 0001-Change-Makefile-to-enable-ccache-to-work.patch 0002-Fix-a-Linux-compilation-error.patch) md5sums=('SKIP' '15f4c03c2404bcfd7618b8f9e0c850ba' '63fee48f8260aa1e51f7d4ab9bdb925f' '39a6636cdfe007beb20b754820618601') install=anura.install _gitname=anura pkgver() { cd $_gitname if _tag=$(git describe 2>/dev/null) then # Use the tag of the last commit echo $_tag | sed 's|-|.|g' else # The project currently has no tags yet echo 0.0.$(git rev-list --count HEAD).g$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) fi } prepare() { cd $_gitname git apply ../0001-Change-Makefile-to-enable-ccache-to-work.patch git apply ../0002-Fix-a-Linux-compilation-error.patch # use system boost headers rm -r external/include/boost } build() { cd $_gitname # USE_CCACHE=no to honor makepkg's ccache setting. make USE_CCACHE=no } package() { install -D -m755 anura.sh $pkgdir/usr/bin/anura-git cd $_gitname install -D -m755 anura $pkgdir/usr/lib/anura-git/anura _installdir=$pkgdir/usr/share/anura-git mkdir -p $_installdir cp -r data $_installdir cp -r images $_installdir cp -r music $_installdir cp -r modules $_installdir } # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: