# Maintainer: Darjan Krijan (daren) # Manual download of '${pkgname}-compiler-${pkgver}.tar' required from upstream pkgname=aocc pkgver=3.2.0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="AMD Optimizing C/C++ Compiler" arch=('x86_64') license=('custom') url="https://developer.amd.com/amd-aocc/" source=("local://aocc-compiler-${pkgver}.tar" "local://modulefile") options=('staticlibs' '!strip' 'libtool') optdepends=('env-modules') install=aocc.install sha256sums=("8493525b3df77f48ee16f3395a68ad4c42e18233a44b4d9282b25dbb95b113ec" "SKIP") # default flags for compiler # edit this or /etc/makepkg.conf to your liking for default flags for your architecutre # like e.g. "-O3 -march=znver2 -mtune=znver2" _default_flags="${CFLAGS}" # path hardcoded in aocc.install. if you change this, change paths there as well _aocc_prefix=/opt/aocc package() { prefix=${pkgdir}${_aocc_prefix} mkdir -p ${prefix} cp -rp ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-compiler-${pkgver}/* ${prefix} ln -s ${_aocc_prefix}/bin/clang ${prefix}/bin/aocc-clang ln -s ${_aocc_prefix}/bin/clang++ ${prefix}/bin/aocc-clang++ ln -s ${_aocc_prefix}/bin/flang ${prefix}/bin/aocc-flang # Default flags the compilers should use # This only works together with calling the "aocc-" prefixed symlinks above # Verbose output should read "Configuration file: /opt/aocc/bin/aocc.cfg" echo "${_default_flags}" > ${prefix}/bin/aocc.cfg # env-modules (optional) cp ${srcdir}/modulefile ${prefix} mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/etc/modules/modulefiles ln -s ${_aocc_prefix}/modulefile ${pkgdir}/etc/modules/modulefiles/${pkgname} }