# Maintainer: Sebastian J. Bronner pkgname=aqbanking-git pkgver=5.99.43beta+10+gfe9dcc2b pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A library for online banking and financial applications" arch=(x86_64 i686) url=https://www.aquamaniac.de/rdm/projects/aqbanking license=(GPL) depends=(gwenhywfar-git ktoblzcheck libofx) options=('!makeflags') provides=(aqbanking) conflicts=(aqbanking) source=(git+https://git.aquamaniac.de/git/aqbanking) sha256sums=(SKIP) _sourcedir=aqbanking pkgver() { git -C $_sourcedir describe --tags | sed 's/-/+/g' } prepare() { ACLOCAL_FLAGS='-I /usr/share/aclocal' make -C $_sourcedir -fMakefile.cvs } build() { # The targets typedefs and types need to be built when building from GIT # (README:239-246). The README file mistakenly specifies to run configure # after these. They require configure to have been run. As of version # 5.99.43beta+10+gfe9dcc2b these targets break building outside of the source # tree (as is my custom to do). That is why I am using cd $_sourcedir. cd $_sourcedir ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-gwenhywfar --with-backends="aqhbci aqofxconnect" make typedefs make types make } package() { make -C $_sourcedir DESTDIR=$pkgdir install }