# Maintainer: GreenRaccoon23 # NOTE: Please install this package instead of 'archdroid-icon-theme-git'. # # Both packages provide the same version, but this one installs faster. # # If this package fails to download, try 'archdroid-icon-theme-git' instead. # # Please report bugs in the AUR comments or here: # https://github.com/GreenRaccoon23/archdroid-icon-theme/issues # # Please submit suggestions, ideas, or requests through the link above. # I would appreciate your feedback and am open to requests. pkgname=archdroid-icon-theme pkgver=r131.5143e7847 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="Port of Android 5/6 (Lollipop/Marshmallow)'s material design icons to Arch." arch=('any') url="https://github.com/GreenRaccoon23/${pkgname}" license=('GPL3') depends=('ttf-roboto') makedepends=('intltool' 'librsvg' 'gtk-update-icon-cache') provides=("${pkgname}") conflicts=("${pkgname}" "${pkgname}-git") options=('!strip') install="${pkgname}.install" _commit="5143e7847d61ee4df177616ecae5e4b16bfb9d09" # To revert to an older version, use an archive from here: # https://github.com/GreenRaccoon23/archdroid-icon-theme/raw/master/bak source=("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GreenRaccoon23/${pkgname}/${_commit}/${pkgname}.tar.xz") md5sums=("d64b070d1731eb4c57d4bc260257273e") package() { msg2 "Installing ${pkgname}..."; cd ${pkgname}; install -dm 755 "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/icons; cp -drf --no-preserve='ownership' . "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/icons/; };