# Maintainer: Wilson E. Alvarez # Contributor: Benoit Favre # Contributor: Alexander Rødseth # Contributor: Kamil Biduś pkgname=aseprite pkgver=1.2.11 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc='Create animated sprites and pixel art' arch=('x86_64' 'i686') url="http://www.aseprite.org/" license=('custom') depends=('cmark' 'pixman' 'curl' 'giflib' 'zlib' 'libpng' 'libjpeg-turbo' 'tinyxml' 'freetype2' 'libwebp' 'harfbuzz') makedepends=('cmake') conflicts=("aseprite-git" "aseprite-gpl") source=("https://github.com/${pkgname}/${pkgname}/releases/download/v${pkgver}/Aseprite-v${pkgver}-Source.zip" "${pkgname}.desktop") sha256sums=( 'cb2c9249ef234504561252c554705895dde2c21d0e4e53c995ed43216b26d4b3' 'c258fa38a0e0bd575f0bd744c4c3b60cf8d59d596c7572f84bd392e1c5e49b4f' ) build() { cd "$srcdir" if [ -z "$ASEPRITE_ACCEPT_EULA" ]; then less EULA.txt echo "Do you accept the EULA? yes/NO (set ASEPRITE_ACCEPT_EULA=yes to skip this message)" read reply [ "$reply" == "yes" ] || exit 1 fi # Disable Allegro4 alias fix which creates a function declaration conflict: sed -e 's/DUSE_ALLEG4_BACKEND/DUSE_ALLEG4_BACKEND -DALLEGRO_NO_FIX_ALIASES/g' -i CMakeLists.txt mkdir -p build && cd build # CMake config notes: # Do not build using the shared allegro4. Weird graphical glitches happen # when linking to the library from the official repo. Also, since loadpng.h # is also distributed in allegro4, using that shared library must also be # disabled since there's no guarantee Arch users might have allegro4 # installed. cmake -DUSE_SHARED_PIXMAN=ON \ -DWITH_WEBP_SUPPORT=ON \ -DUSE_SHARED_CURL=ON \ -DUSE_SHARED_GIFLIB=ON \ -DUSE_SHARED_JPEGLIB=ON \ -DUSE_SHARED_HARFBUZZ=ON \ -DUSE_SHARED_ZLIB=ON \ -DUSE_SHARED_LIBPNG=ON \ -DUSE_SHARED_TINYXML=ON \ -DUSE_SHARED_CMARK=ON \ -DENABLE_UPDATER=OFF \ -DUSE_SHARED_FREETYPE=ON \ -DUSE_SHARED_ALLEGRO4=OFF \ -DUSE_SHARED_LIBLOADPNG=OFF \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:STRING=/usr .. make $MAKEFLAGS } package() { cd "$srcdir"/build make DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install install -Dm644 "$srcdir/$pkgname.desktop" \ "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/$pkgname.desktop" install -Dm644 "../data/icons/ase48.png" \ "$pkgdir/usr/share/pixmaps/$pkgname.png" install -Dm644 "../EULA.txt" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/EULA.txt" # Remove conflicting files with libarchive # TODO: With the current compilation options, looks like aseprite build process builds these binaries. Disable the compilation of the following files later on: # Note: Github issue: https://github.com/aseprite/aseprite/issues/1602 rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/bin/"{bsdcat,bsdcpio,bsdtar,img2webp} rm -rf "$pkgdir/usr/include" "$pkgdir/usr/lib" "$pkgdir/usr/share/man" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/cmark" } # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: