# Maintainer: Imperator Storm <30777770+ImperatorStorm@users.noreply.github.com> # Co-Maintainer: Eldred Habert # Contributor: Fredrick Brennan # Contributor: Andrew Bueide # Contributor: rouhannb # Contributor: Wilson E. Alvarez # Contributor: Benoit Favre # Contributor: Alexander Rødseth # Contributor: Kamil Biduś pkgname=aseprite pkgver=1.2.31 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='Create animated sprites and pixel art' arch=('x86_64') url="https://www.aseprite.org/" license=('custom') depends=(# ~ Aseprite's direct dependencies ~ # pixman is not linked to because we use Skia instead # harfbuzz is linked statically because Aseprite expects an older version cmark libcurl.so libgif.so libjpeg.so zlib libpng tinyxml libfreetype.so libarchive.so libwebp.so libwebpmux.so libwebpdemux.so hicolor-icon-theme # For installing Aseprite's icons # ~ Skia deps ~ # (Skia links dynamically to HarfBuzz, only Aseprite itself doesn't. >_<) libexpat.so=1-64 libharfbuzz.so=0-64 libgl # Already required by Aseprite: libjpeg-turbo libpng zlib freetype2 # These two are only reported by Namcap, but don't seem to be direct dependencies? libfontconfig.so libxcursor) makedepends=(# "Meta" dependencies cmake ninja git python # Aseprite (including e.g. LAF) libxi pixman # Skia gn harfbuzz-icu) source=("https://github.com/aseprite/aseprite/releases/download/v$pkgver/Aseprite-v$pkgver-Source.zip" # Which branch a given build of Aseprite requires is noted in its `INSTALL.md` "git+https://github.com/aseprite/skia.git#branch=aseprite-m96" desktop.patch # Based on https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/aseprite/aseprite/pull/2535.patch shared-libarchive.patch # Based on https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/aseprite/aseprite/pull/2523.patch shared-libwebp.patch shared-skia-deps.patch optional-pixman.patch) noextract=("${source[0]##*/}") # Don't extract Aseprite sources at the root sha256sums=('966bd940e1072ed24b70e211ca2bb1eb9aa6432ca12972a8e1df5f1e0150213d' 'SKIP' '8b14e36939e930de581e95abf0591645aa0fcfd47161cf88b062917dbaaef7f9' 'e42675504bfbc17655aef1dca957041095026cd3dd4e6981fb6df0a363948aa7' '2d6b5f33f23adc4f9912511ac35311a776ce34519ef40e9db3659e4c5457f055' 'eb9f544e68b41b5cb1a9ab7a6648db51587e67e94f1a452cb5a84f3d224bf5d0' 'c2d14f9738a96a9db3695c00ac3d14b1312b6a595b151bd56e19422c86517654') prepare() { # Extract Aseprite's sources mkdir -p aseprite bsdtar -xf "${noextract[0]}" -C aseprite # Fix up Aseprite's desktop integration env -C aseprite patch -tp1