# Maintainer: Chris Severance aur.severach aATt spamgourmet dott com # Note: These TODO may not be things I'm planning to fix. Some of them are just # notes to be fixed by someone else who wants that functionality and warnings # to those who are expecting that functionality. The HylaFAX+ and AvantFAX # PKGBUILD have taken many days to get them functional on a modern OS. # I can't spend a lot more time fixing things I don't use without help. # TODO: Test receive fax functionality. I only send faxes. # TODO: Verify timers work # TODO: Check if Tesseract works # TODO: Support for HylaFAX in extra (HylaFAX+ on AUR is supported) # TODO: Less destructive remove or better cleanup. # TODO: Even safer password storage (the current method is pretty safe) # TODO: SendEmail or smtp-cli.pl support instead of sendmail # TODO: We should stop using hard links. They won't update as the system updates. # See avantfaxsetup.sh for more todo # VERIFIED: Upon remove (and cleanup) 'avantfax' isn't found in /etc /var/spool/hylafax /usr/lib/fax # other than in the logs for faxes sent by AvantFAX. # VERIFIED: AvantFAX integration for HylaFAX+ upgrades # How to install: # Setup these parameters _opt_AUTO_START_HTTP=1 # 1 to automatically enable avantfax and restart apache, 0=manual _opt_DEBUG_PHP=0 # 1 to show php debug messages, 0 for production _opt_pagesize='letter' # a4, letter _opt_phpver='php56' # php56 for now, php when avantfax is php7 compatible # With a non set up MySQL or a root password the install will fail. # sudo vi /usr/bin/avantfaxsetup.sh.password # Add mysql root password then finish install. # sudo avantfaxsetup.sh install # Check settings in /usr/share/webapps/avantfax/includes/local_config.php # Cleanup: sudo rm -rf /usr/share/webapps/avantfax /root/avantfaxbackup # Note: Removing the avantfax package is very destructive. It destroys all # avantfax files and tables. set -u pkgname='avantfax' _pkgnick="${pkgname}" # 'ArchFAX' # Changing this for an upgrade leaves cruft in many files. pkgver='3.3.5' pkgrel='3' pkgdesc='a web-based application for managing faxes on HylaFAX fax servers' arch=('any') #('i686' 'x86_64') url='http://www.avantfax.com/' license=('GPLv2') depends=( 'hylafax' 'sudo' 'ghostscript' 'gsfonts' 'dash' 'apache' "${_opt_phpver}" "${_opt_phpver}-apache" "${_opt_phpver}-pear" 'pear-mail-mime' 'pear-mail-mime-decode' 'pear-net-smtp' 'pear-mdb2>=2.5.0b5-1' 'pear-mdb2-mysql>=1.5.0b4-1' 'html2ps' # AUR in May 2015 'mariadb' 'psutils' 'libtiff' 'libpng' 'imagemagick' 'netpbm' 'giflib' ) optdepends=('tesseract: OCR incoming faxes for document keyword searches' # not enabled in local-config, might already work # 'AvantFAX-support: iFax Solutions can help configure your fax system' ) # Searching config.php for 'extension_loaded' doesn't show any extensions we need at this time. # 'php-mysql' # included in php as 'extension=mysql.so' # 'php-mbstring' # included in the Arch Linux PKGBUILD configure --enable-mbstring # 'php-fileinfo' # built in as of php 5.3 # 'libungif' # no longer supported, seems to be replaced with giflib # 'vixie-cron' # replaced with systemd timers. I use cronie. # 'rsync' # used only in the manual upgrade scripts. rsync is not used in the package. #makedepends=('smtp-server') # sendmail isn't required. It can be used on another server. install="${pkgname}.install" _verwatch=("${url}/changelog.php" 'AvantFAX\s\([0-9\.]\+\)\s*' 'f') source=( "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/${pkgname}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tgz" 'avantfaxsetup.sh' 'avantfax.cron.service' 'avantfax.cron.timer' 'avantfax.phb.service' 'avantfax.phb.timer' ) sha256sums=('7dc6cfbaea9e27d6ef696611dad79f50cbaa61be6e3b59ce25fa124af0cf1269' 'ebd4fb7dd1b5ec7f9ad4f5ec03dcfaa9fde32c3137d52656007bf2df94b28670' '2c633cd03dd234cfbcf6d0530be573e9eaa2b1e92876faa946895bf99bfb3ebc' '057be12012e2bd10c8400cac9a2612b9d66ea1535476671f28dbf633c8eb6972' '51b4bcf2e26418f8392f765c7d0f363fe3c842ddfbefb8c950f484f4ce4a179a' '8a0baba7cfeea3b5e20353677335b923c9333a4d1ab6143b41ca4b2d47449bbd') prepare() { set -u cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}" # chmod 755 *.sh # All of the .php files marked as executable need to be executable. # find avantfax -executable -type f -name "*.php" -exec chmod 644 {} \; if [ "$(vercmp "${pkgver}" '3.3.4')" -le 0 ]; then # http://forum.joomla.org/viewtopic.php?t=618315 # Strict Standards patch, remove & from =& sed -e 's|^\(\s\+$this->db =\)&\( MDB2::singleton\)|\1\2|g' \ -e 's|^\(\s\+$res =\)&\( $this->db->query\)|\1\2|g' \ -e 's|^\(\s\+$this->result =\)&\( $this->db->query\)|\1\2|g' \ -e 's|^\(\s\+$aff =\)&\( $this->db->exec\)|\1\2|g' \ -i "${pkgname}/includes/SQL.php" #exit 1 fi if [ "$(vercmp "${pkgver}" '3.3.3')" -le 0 ]; then # Patch to bring avantfax into compliance with php5 # http://sourceforge.net/p/avantfax/discussion/542402/thread/bfe70151/?limit=25 local _file for _file in 'AFUserAccount.php' 'FormRules.php'; do sed -e 's:^\(\s\+\)private \(function __unset.\+\)$:\1public \2:g' \ -e 's:^\(\s\+\)private \(function __isset.\+\)$:\1public \2:g' \ -e 's:^\(\s\+\)private \(function __get.\+\)$:\1public \2:g' \ -e 's:^\(\s\+\)private \(function __set.\+\)$:\1public \2:g' \ -i "${pkgname}/includes/${_file}" done # This PEAR bug will never be fixed but is also unlikely to be deprecated so we'll supress it. # http://pear.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=17987 for _file in 'SQL.php' 'MDBO.php'; do sed -e 's|(\(PEAR::isError\)|(@\1|g' -i "${pkgname}/includes/${_file}" done # I don't see a fast way to fix this one so I'll just suppress the warning for now. sed -e 's|\(^\s\+$source_content = \)\(preg_replace\)|\1@\2|g' \ -i "${pkgname}/includes/Smarty/Smarty_Compiler.class.php" fi # All executables run under the special version of php if [ "${_opt_phpver}" != 'php' ]; then sed -e "s:/usr/bin/php:/usr/bin/${_opt_phpver}:g" -i $(grep --include='*.php' -lr -e '#!/usr/bin') fi set +u } package () { set -u local _httpdir='/usr/share/webapps' # systemd timer (from the HylaFAX PKGBUILD). No need to install cron. #install -dm755 "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants" local _i for _i in avantfax*.{timer,service}; do install -Dm644 "${_i}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/${_i}" case "${_i}" in # If you're going to do this, it's better to systemctl enable in the install. #*.timer) ln -s "../${_i}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/${_i}";; *.service) sed -e "s:/var/www/avantfax:${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}:g" -i "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/${_i}";; esac done cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}" # Install the main advantfax folder install -dm755 "${pkgdir}${_httpdir}" cp -pr 'avantfax' "${pkgdir}${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}" install -dm755 "${pkgdir}${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}/tmp" # Install the SQL scripts install -dm755 "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${_pkgnick}" install -Dm644 *.sql -t "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${_pkgnick}/" # Branding. Too bad this can't be better. sed -e 's/\(:: AvantFAX LOGIN\) \(::\)/\1 for Arch Linux \2/g' \ -i "${pkgdir}${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}/includes/templates/main_theme/templates/index.tpl" # Create our bin dir so we can adhere to open_basedir restrictions # The installer will place hard links in here. local _bindir="${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}-bin" install -dm755 "${pkgdir}${_bindir}" # Enable debug if [ "${_opt_DEBUG_PHP}" -ne 0 ]; then sed -e "s:^\(\s\+\)\(//\s\+DATABASE\sSETTINGS\$\):\1ini_set('display_errors', true); \2:g" \ -i "${pkgdir}${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}/includes/local_config-example.php" sed -e "s:^\(\s\+\)\(require_once '\.\./includes/classes\.php';\)\$:\1ini_set('display_errors', true);\n\1\2:g" \ -i "${pkgdir}${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}/index.php" sed -e "s:^\(\s\+\)\(require_once '\.\./includes/classes\.php';\)\$:\1ini_set('display_errors', true);\n\1\2:g" \ -i "${pkgdir}${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}/admin/index.php" fi # patch php scripts with our bin dir to comply with php open_basedir # Set page size sed -e 's:/usr/local/bin/:'"${_bindir}/:g" \ -e 's:/usr/bin:'"${_bindir}:g" \ -e "s:^\(\s\+\$HYLAFAX_PREFIX\s*=\s*'\)[^']\+\(';\):\1${_bindir}\2:g" \ -e "s:^\(\s\+\$PAPERSIZE\s*=\s*'\)[^']\+\(';\):\1${_opt_pagesize}\2:g" \ -i "${pkgdir}${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}/includes/local_config-example.php" # The original technique for HYLA being in bin and sbin is hostile to our bin folder # Besides, sbin must go sed -e "s:'sbin':'bin':g" \ -e 's:\($HYLAFAX_PREFIX.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.\)'"'bin'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.:\1:g" \ -e '#s:^\(\s\+error_reporting(E_ALL\)\();\)$:\1 \& ~E_DEPRECATED\2:g' \ -i "${pkgdir}${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}/includes/config.php" # Install Apache vhosts file. It's similar to phpMyAdmin and Adminer. local _phpxpath='' if [ "${_opt_phpver}" != 'php' ]; then _phpxpath=":/usr/share/${_opt_phpver}/pear/" fi install -Dm644 <(cat < AllowOverride All Options FollowSymlinks Require all granted php_admin_value open_basedir "/tmp/${_phpxpath}:/usr/share/pear/:${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}/:${_httpdir}/${_pkgnick}-bin/" # The AvantFAX installer avantfaxsetup.sh will tack the HylaFAX+ spool folder onto the end EOF ) "${pkgdir}/etc/webapps/${_pkgnick}/apache.example.conf" install -Dpm644 "${pkgdir}/etc/webapps/${_pkgnick}/apache.example.conf" "${pkgdir}/etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-${_pkgnick}.conf" # Install, patch, source, and run our setup script local _shellfile="${pkgdir}/usr/bin/avantfaxsetup.sh" install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/bin" install -Dpm755 "${srcdir}/avantfaxsetup.sh" "${_shellfile}" # Arch Linux uses bash as sh which allows bashishms through. For strict POSIX shell compliance we use dash. sed -e 's:^\(_opt_HTTP_DIR\)=.*$'":\1='${_httpdir}':g" \ -e 's:^\(_opt_VHOSTS\)=.*$'":\1=0:g" \ -e 's:^\(_opt_AUTO_START_HTTP\)=.*$'":\1=${_opt_AUTO_START_HTTP}:g" \ -e 's:^\(_opt_AVANTFAX_SERVERNAME\)=.*$'":\1='${_pkgnick}':g" \ -e 's:^#!/bin/sh$:#!/usr/bin/dash:g' \ -i "${_shellfile}" # Install php mysql extension local _opt_SOURCEONLY=1; . "${_shellfile}"; unset _opt_SOURCEONLY install -Dm644 <(cat << EOF ; Installed by ${pkgname}-${pkgver} PKGBUILD from Arch Linux AUR ; https://aur.archlinux.org/ extension=mysql.so EOF ) "${pkgdir}/etc/${_opt_phpver}/conf.d/${_pkgnick}.ini" # Fix timers to run as user sed -e 's:^#\(User\)=.*$'":\1=${_opt_WWWUSER}:g" \ -e 's:^#\(Group\)=.*$'":\1=${_opt_WWWGROUP}:g" \ -i "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/"*.service # Install sudo config install -dm750 "${pkgdir}/etc/sudoers.d" install -Dm644 <(cat << EOF # Installed by ${pkgname}-${pkgver} PKGBUILD from Arch Linux AUR # https://aur.archlinux.org/ ${_opt_SUDO_LINE} -u * -p * * ${_opt_AVANT_CMTTAG} EOF ) "${pkgdir}/etc/sudoers.d/${_pkgnick}.sudo" # We run the shell script modified with pkgdir _opt_DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" \ "${_shellfile}" 0 'package' # package ignores the flag # pacman hook for automatic update on HylaFax Upgrade install -Dm644 <(cat << EOF # Automatically generated by ${pkgname}-${pkgver} PKGBUILD from Arch Linux AUR # https://aur.archlinux.org/ [Trigger] Operation = Upgrade Type = Package Target = hylafax Target = hylafaxplus [Action] Description = AvantFAX: Update with HylaFax+ When = PostTransaction Exec = /usr/bin/bash /usr/bin/${_shellfile##*/} 2 install EOF ) "${pkgdir}/usr/share/libalpm/hooks/avantfax-hylafax.hook" set +u } set +u