# Maintainer: Eisfreak7 # Original AUR3 package by: Libernux pkgname="brother-dcp150c" pkgver="1.0.1" pkgrel=2 _brotherrel=1 # pkgrel for the download url pkgdesc="LPR and CUPS driver for the Brother DCP150C" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://solutions.brother.com/linux/en_us/" license=('custom:brother commercial license') depends=('cups') install="$pkgname.install" source=( "http://www.brother.com/pub/bsc/linux/dlf/dcp150clpr-$pkgver-${_brotherrel}.i386.rpm" "http://www.brother.com/pub/bsc/linux/dlf/dcp150ccupswrapper-$pkgver-${_brotherrel}.i386.rpm" 'cupswrapper-license.txt' 'lpr-license.txt' ) md5sums=('f2b4c293af050f76d47f0c480d166bc3' '0b0b0e740cb2c30d8709ac564efedf3a' '97ad0cffd216059e9d1d3121899d8646' '5e87a3dc0f3e3438c088eda0f3565f0d') if test "$CARCH" == x86_64; then depends+=('lib32-glibc') fi prepare() { # do not install in '/usr/local' if [ -d $srcdir/usr/local/Brother ]; then install -d $srcdir/usr/share mv $srcdir/usr/local/Brother/ $srcdir/usr/share/brother rm -rf $srcdir/usr/local sed -i 's|/usr/local/Brother|/usr/share/brother|g' `grep -lr '/usr/local/Brother' ./` fi # setup cups-directories install -d $srcdir/usr/share/cups/model install -d $srcdir/usr/lib/cups/filter # go to the cupswrapper directory and find the source file from wich to generate a ppd- and wrapper-file cd `find . -type d -name 'cupswrapper'` if [ -f cupswrapper* ]; then _wrapper_source=`ls cupswrapper*` sed -i '/^\/etc\/init.d\/cups/d' $_wrapper_source sed -i '/^sleep/d' $_wrapper_source sed -i '/^lpadmin/d' $_wrapper_source sed -i 's|/usr|$srcdir/usr|g' $_wrapper_source sed -i 's|/opt|$srcdir/opt|g' $_wrapper_source sed -i 's|/model/Brother|/model|g' $_wrapper_source sed -i 's|lpinfo|echo|g' $_wrapper_source export srcdir=$srcdir ./$_wrapper_source sed -i 's|$srcdir||' $srcdir/usr/lib/cups/filter/*lpdwrapper* sed -i "s|$srcdir||" $srcdir/usr/lib/cups/filter/*lpdwrapper* rm $_wrapper_source fi # /etc/printcap is managed by cups rm `find $srcdir -type f -name 'setupPrintcap*'` # !!!ATTENTION!!! # This setting might not be right for you if you print on letter-sized (US) paper. # Printing on A4 wasn't centered for me, and manually tweaking the printable area didn't have # any effect (I did select A4 paper size in the printing dialog). # The only fix I could find is changing the PaperType like below. I don't have a `letter` # paper, so I don't know how this affects those who do. # If this breaks something for you or you have a better solution, please leave a comment. sed -i "s/PaperType=Letter/PaperType=A4/" "${srcdir}/usr/share/brother/Printer/dcp150c/inf/brdcp150crc" } package() { cp -R "${srcdir}/usr" "$pkgdir" if [ -d "${srcdir}/opt" ]; then cp -R "${srcdir}/opt" "$pkgdir"; fi install -m 644 -D cupswrapper-license.txt "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/cupswrapper-licence.txt" install -m 644 -D lpr-license.txt "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/lpr-licence.txt" }