# Maintainer: David Waldeck < mail at david-waldeck dot de pkgname="brother-mfc-l2720dw" pkgver="3.2.0" pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="LPR and CUPS driver for the Brother MFC-l2720DW" url="http://solutions.brother.com/linux/en_us/" arch=("i686" "x86_64") license=('custom:brother commercial license') depends=("cups") depends_x86_64=('lib32-glibc') install="$pkgname.install" source=( "http://download.brother.com/welcome/dlf101799/mfcl2720dwlpr-$pkgver-$pkgrel.i386.rpm" "http://download.brother.com/welcome/dlf101800/mfcl2720dwcupswrapper-$pkgver-$pkgrel.i386.rpm" ) md5sums=( '02590f6087f26e2a831ea60da218e81d' 'a215b945150a87583c4f832261811793' ) prepare() { # do not install in '/usr/local' if [ -d $srcdir/usr/local/Brother ]; then install -dm755 "$srcdir/usr/share" mv "$srcdir/usr/local/Brother/" "$srcdir/usr/share/brother" rm -rf "$srcdir/usr/local" sed -i 's|/usr/local/Brother|/usr/share/brother|g' `grep -lr '/usr/local/Brother' ./` fi # create cups-directories install -dm755 "$srcdir/usr/share/cups/model" install -dm755 "$srcdir/usr/lib/cups/filter" # copy ppd and filter file to their destination dirs cd `find . -type d -name 'cupswrapper'` cp *lpdwrapper* "$srcdir/usr/lib/cups/filter/" cp *.ppd "$srcdir/usr/share/cups/model/" # set the basedir to an absolute path in the perl-lpdwrapper-script # the relative path,generated on the basis of the caller, does not work in this case cd "$srcdir" # get absolute printer path _baseDir="\"/$(find opt -maxdepth 3 -depth -print -quit -type d)\"" # replace the dynamic basedir var with the absolute path sed -i "s|\`readlink\ \$0\`|$_baseDir|" $srcdir/usr/lib/cups/filter/*lpdwrapper* # /etc/printcap is managed by cups rm "$(find $srcdir -type f -name 'setupPrintcap*')" } package() { cp -R "$srcdir/usr" "$pkgdir" cp -R "$srcdir/opt" "$pkgdir" }