# Maintainer: Tiago Brait pkgname=ca-certificates-icp_br pkgver=20170117 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Brazilian government Certification Authorities" arch=('any') url="http://www.iti.gov.br/icp-brasil/certificados/188-atualizacao/4530-ac-raiz" license=('GPL') depends=('ca-certificates-utils') makedepends=('unzip' 'openssl') source=( "icpbr_certs-${pkgver}.zip::http://acraiz.icpbrasil.gov.br/credenciadas/CertificadosAC-ICP-Brasil/ACcompactado.zip" ) sha512sums=('6890560f28c547bcfa38134ebcacd52f4256bd64681b01c40642e1cb555b45f6264bc5c4ce32d9986dd256a8a8a497101ce4a82b7fc06e537acce98d6cc49b2d') package() { local cert_tag='icp_br' cd ${srcdir} find * -print0 | while read -d $'\0' cert; do #some certificates have a .crt extension but come in DER format. #convert them if [[ "$(file $cert | cut -f2 -d\: | tr -d ' ')" = "data" ]]; then msg2 "converting $cert from DER to PEM..." cert_der="${cert}.der" mv $cert $cert_der /usr/bin/openssl x509 -in ${cert_der} -inform der -out $cert rm "$cert_der" fi #some of the cert files have spaces in their names, so just remove the spaces #when 'tagging' the certificates mv "$cert" "${cert_tag}.${cert//' '/'_'}" done install -d -m0755 $pkgdir/usr/share/ca-certificates/trust-source/anchors install -m0644 *.crt $pkgdir/usr/share/ca-certificates/trust-source/anchors }