# Maintainer: Christopher Arndt # Contributor: cocreature purelyfunctionalorg> _name=Carla _pkgname=${_name,,} pkgname=$_pkgname-git pkgver=2.5.1.r47.gdf1338860 pkgrel=1 epoch=1 pkgdesc="Audio Plugin Host" arch=(x86_64) url='https://kx.studio/Applications:Carla' license=(GPL2) conflicts=($_pkgname) provides=( $_pkgname clap-host dssi-host ladspa-host lv2-host vst3-host vst-host ) depends=( alsa-lib gcc-libs glibc hicolor-icon-theme libglvnd libx11 python-pyqt5 qt5-base qt5-svg ) makedepends=( file fluidsynth freetype2 git liblo libpulse libsndfile qt5-tools ) optdepends=( 'jack: for using carla with JACK' 'lv2-host: for the LV2 plugin' 'vst-host: for the VST plugin' 'python-pyliblo: OSC control support' 'python-rdflib: LADSPA-RDF support' ) groups=(pro-audio lv2-plugins vst-plugins) source=("$_pkgname::git+https://github.com/falkTX/$_name.git") md5sums=('SKIP') changelog='changelog.txt' pkgver() { cd $_pkgname git describe --long --tags | sed "s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g;s/^v//" } build() { cd $_pkgname make features make \ DEFAULT_QT=5 \ HAVE_QT4=false } package() { depends+=(libasound.so libfluidsynth.so libfreetype.so liblo.so libmagic.so libpulse.so libsndfile.so) cd $_pkgname make \ DEFAULT_QT=5 \ HAVE_QT4=false \ DESTDIR="$pkgdir" \ PREFIX=/usr \ install }