# Maintainer: leepesjee pkgname=cbflib pkgver=0.9.5 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="An ANSI C library for accessing Crystallographic Binary and Image-supporting Files" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://www.bernstein-plus-sons.com/software/CBF/" makedepends=('wget') license=('GPL') source=(http://sourceforge.net/projects/$pkgname/files/$pkgname/CBFlib_0.9.2/CBFlib-$pkgver.tar.gz) md5sums=('6cab26809e5d4786aeac1d32f72d7683') prepare() { cd ./CBFlib-$pkgver make clean sed -i "s|INSTALLDIR = \$(HOME)|INSTALLDIR = ${pkgdir}/usr|" ./Makefile sed -i "s|HDF5 =|#HDF5 =|" ./Makefile sed -i "s|HDF5LIBS = ./lib/libhdf5.a|HDF5LIBS = -lhdf5|" ./Makefile sed -i "s|HDF5PREFIX =|#HDF5PREFIX =|" ./Makefile sed -i "s|HDF5SOLIBS = -L./lib|HDF5SOLIBS =|" ./Makefile sed -i "s|TIME = time|TIME = eval time|" ./Makefile sed -i "s|$(TIME) (LD_LIBRARY_PATH|$(TIME) LD_LIBRARY_PATH|" ./Makefile sed -i "s|XRD1621.cbf)|XRD1621.cbf|" ./Makefile sed -i "s|python|python2|" ./Makefile } build() { cd ./CBFlib-$pkgver NOFORTRAN=yes make all # the test suite gives comile errors I could not resolve make tests #make shared } package() { cd ./CBFlib-$pkgver # the install script searches the solibs in the wrong location ... cp ./solib/*.so ./lib # ... and forgets to install testalloc mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/bin cp ./bin/testalloc $pkgdir/usr/bin make install rmdir $pkgdir/usr/include/cbflib_old -v }