# Maintainer: Alexei Colin pkgname=ccstudio pkgver= pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio IDE" arch=('x86_64') url="http://www.ti.com/tool/ccstudio" license=('custom:TSPA') # BitRock InstallBuilder installer breaks with glibc 2.25 (hangs on exit): # https://e2e.ti.com/support/development_tools/code_composer_studio/f/81/t/583306 # https://e2e.ti.com/support/development_tools/code_composer_studio/f/81/t/594586 # # To build in chroot with glibc 2.24 (2016/10/31), follow [[DeveloperWiki:Building in a Clean Chroot]]: # Create pacman.conf.20161031 with: # [core] # SigLevel = PackageRequired # Server=https://archive.archlinux.org/repos/2016/10/31/$repo/os/$arch # # same for [extra], [community], [multilib] # # pacman -S devtools # mkdir ~/chroot # CHROOT=$HOME/chroot # mkarchroot -C pacman.conf.20161031 $CHROOT/root base-devel lib32-glibc lib32-gcc-libs # makechrootpkg -c -r $CHROOT # # deps: lib32* are needed because one of the installers is 32-bit makedepends=('glibc<2.25' 'lib32-glibc<2.25' 'lib32-gcc-libs') # Needed for builtin jxBrowser plugin (otherwise exception exit code 127) depends=('gconf' 'python2' 'gtk2' 'libxtst' 'nss' 'libxss' 'alsa-lib') # The license file was copy-pasted from the installer's GUI _archive=CCS${pkgver}_linux-x64 source=('http://software-dl.ti.com/ccs/esd/CCSv7/CCS_7_2_0/exports/${_archive}.tar.gz' 'LICENSE') md5sums=('7c89745cd4f7067f9ba7b8851b4db0cf' 'cf7222e486f8f1d2a0f99d3d946e1f01') install=$pkgname.install options=(!strip libtool staticlibs emptydirs !purge !zipman) _desktop="Code Composer Studio 7.2.0.desktop" _destdir=opt _installdir=installdir _installpath=$_installdir/$_destdir/$pkgname build() { cd $srcdir/${_archive} echo ">>> Executing installer. You can monitor progress with:" echo ">>> tail -f ${srcdir}/${_installpath}/ccsv7/install_logs/*/ccs_setup_${pkgver}_install.log" # Can't run this in package, because running as fakeroot breaks it: # CCS_INFO: error message: dlsym(acl_get_fd): /usr/lib32/libfakeroot/libfakeroot.so: undefined symbol: acl_get_fd # NOTE: ti_cgt_c2000_16.9.3.LTS_linux_installer_x86.bin is executed under fakeroot, this error is simply printed, # but is not fatal. But, when the whole CCS installer is run under fakeroot is ./ccs_setup_linux64_${pkgver}.bin --mode unattended --apps-select-all true --prefix $srcdir/$_installpath # Move .desktop out of the dir about to be copied (avoiding rm), and fix path mv "$srcdir/$_installpath/$_desktop" $srcdir/$pkgname.desktop } package() { sed -i "s#$srcdir/$_installdir##" $srcdir/$pkgname.desktop install -D -m0755 $srcdir/$pkgname.desktop $pkgdir/usr/share/applications/$pkgname.desktop # Hardlink to avoid time and space overhead cp -ral $srcdir/$_installdir/$_destdir $pkgdir/ #find $pkgdir -type f -exec chmod g+rw {} \; #find $pkgdir -type d -exec chmod g+x {} \; # Extract path to executable from .desktop mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/bin ln -s $(grep 'Exec=' $srcdir/$pkgname.desktop | cut -d'=' -f2) $pkgdir/usr/bin/$pkgname install -D -m0644 $srcdir/LICENSE $pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE }