# Maintainer: Seth Hendrick # This format is taken from msbuild, which also grabs a compiled .deb and installs it from that. # https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/PKGBUILD?h=msbuild-stable # We do this because of https://github.com/mono/mono/issues/9280. Arch linux's msbuild package # doesn't include MSBuildSdkResolver and libhostfxr.so. So, this is the best we can do without # user having to install all kinds of weird things that are not in the AUR or in pacman. pkgname=chaskis pkgver=0.31.0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A generic framework written in C# for making IRC Bots." arch=('any') url="https://github.com/xforever1313/Chaskis/" license=('BSL') depends=('dotnet-runtime>=3.1.0') provides=('chaskis') conflicts=('chaskis') source=("https://files.shendrick.net/projects/chaskis/releases/$pkgver/debian/chaskis.deb") sha256sums=('af69ea79de547aa50d1729f3ae04ea8cbbc90c9b818f338e886e83c736a81053') validpgpkeys=() package() { cd "${srcdir}" bsdtar xf data.tar.xz chmod -R g-w usr mv usr "${pkgdir}" }