# Maintainer: Tom Moore # Contributor: Paweł Otlewski # Contributor: Томас <70m4c@70m4c.su> # Contributor: Marc Paradise # shellcheck disable=SC2148 # Ignore lack of shebang # shellcheck disable=SC2034 # Ignore "unused" PKGBUILD variables # shellcheck disable=SC2154 # Ignore "unassigned" references to $srcdir and $pkgdir pkgname=chef-workstation pkgver=24.2.1058 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Chef's developer toolkit that includes Infra, InSpec, Habitat, and tools like knife." arch=('x86_64') url="https://www.chef.io/downloads/tools/workstation" license=('custom:Chef EULA') depends=() conflicts=(chef-dk chef chef-solo cinc) replaces=('chef-dk') source=("https://packages.chef.io/repos/apt/stable/ubuntu/20.04/chef-workstation_$pkgver-1_amd64.deb") sha256sums=('578d64a0a02495d748799ccc2bc3881870a22fa2cc1dece18b10291553a8371a') package() { depends=('libxcrypt-compat') cd "$srcdir" || exit 1 bsdtar -xf data.tar.xz -C "$pkgdir" install -Dm644 "$pkgdir/opt/$pkgname/LICENSE" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE" mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/bin" binaries="berks chef chef-analyze chef-apply chef-cli chef-client chef-resource-inspector chef-run chef-service-manager chef-shell chef-solo chef-vault chef-windows-service chef-zero cookstyle delivery fauxhai foodcritic hab inspec kitchen knife mixlib-install ohai stove" for binary in $binaries; do ln -s "/opt/$pkgname/bin/$binary" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/" || error_exit "Cannot link $binary to /usr/bin" done chown -Rh 0:0 "$pkgdir" chmod -R 755 "$pkgdir/opt" }