# This is an example PKGBUILD file. Use this as a start to creating your own, # and remove these comments. For more information, see 'man PKGBUILD'. # NOTE: Please fill out the license field for your package! If it is unknown, # then please put 'unknown'. # Maintainer: zzy-ac <1304024859@qq.com> pkgname=com.pal.dosbox pkgver=0.95 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="仙剑奇侠传DOS经典版,原声音效,少年时的武侠回忆 仙剑奇侠传DOS经典版,原声音效,少年时的武侠回忆" arch=(x86_64) url="https://github.com/zzy-ac/games" license=('GPL') depends=('dosbox') provides=(com.pal.dosbox=$pkgver) replaces=() backup=() options=() install= changelog= source=("https://github.com/zzy-ac/games/raw/main/com.pal.dosbox.tar.gz") noextract=() md5sums=(a1a01f1356ad2cad9595d48866a843fe) validpgpkeys=() prepare() { mkdir "$pkgname-$pkgver" cp -r opt "$pkgname-$pkgver"/opt cp -r usr "$pkgname-$pkgver"/usr } #check() { # cd "$pkgname-$pkgver" # make -k check #} package() { cd "$pkgname-$pkgver" cp -r opt ${pkgdir} cp -r usr ${pkgdir} } install=com.pal.dosbox.install