# Maintainer: Lukas1818 aur at lukas1818 dot de pkgname=commander-wars pkgver=0.25.1 _pkgtag="Beta_25_1" pkgrel=4 epoch=0 pkgdesc="Advance Wars Clone with a lot of additions customizations and modding support" arch=("$CARCH") url="https://github.com/Robosturm/Commander_Wars" license=('LGPL3') options=(!emptydirs) depends=('qt6-base' 'qt6-multimedia' 'qt6-wayland') makedepends=('samurai' 'qt6-tools') source=("https://github.com/Robosturm/Commander_Wars/archive/$_pkgtag.tar.gz") sha512sums=('297a2bfc6081fd2513df26b3855f1fa7afe2c8bc89742d144842711b73d769dc4b3ca52616fbc3dcf20c7b133429e715715fdeddcf4a50dcfd4c816b7633385c') prepare() { cd "$srcdir/Commander_Wars-$_pkgtag" sed -i "0,/project (Commander_Wars/s/project (Commander_Wars /project ($pkgname /g" CMakeLists.txt #keep using old save files sed -i "s/commander_wars/$pkgname/g" Commander_Wars.desktop sed -i '/RPATH/d' CMakeLists.txt #remove insecure RPATH '/../' mkdir -p build } build() { cd "$srcdir/Commander_Wars-$_pkgtag" cd build cmake .. \ -G Ninja \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DUSEAPPCONFIGPATH=ON samu } package() { cd "$srcdir/Commander_Wars-$_pkgtag/build" DESTDIR="$pkgdir" samu install echo "remove qt libs" rm -rf "$pkgdir/usr/lib" #qt libarys are not needed, if the qt package is installed; addr2line binary is not used on linux }