# Maintainer: Fabio 'Lolix' Loli -> https://github.com/FabioLolix # Contributor: Andy Weidenbaum # Contributor: Giovanni Scafora # Contributor: Alexander Rødseth # Contributor: Andrea Scarpino # Contributor: Kritoke # Contributor: jlvsimoes pkgname=crypto++-git pkgver=8.8.0.r12.g6ecc789d pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes" arch=(x86_64) url="https://www.cryptopp.com/" license=('custom: public domain' boost) depends=(gcc-libs) makedepends=(git) provides=(crypto++) conflicts=(crypto++) source=("git+https://github.com/weidai11/cryptopp.git") b2sums=('SKIP') pkgver() { cd cryptopp git describe --long --tags | sed 's/^CRYPTOPP_//;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g;s/_/./g' } build() { export CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -DNDEBUG -fPIC" make PREFIX=/usr -C cryptopp dynamic cryptest.exe libcryptopp.pc } check() { make PREFIX=/usr -C cryptopp test } package() { make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" PREFIX=/usr -C cryptopp install install -Dm 644 cryptopp/License.txt -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/" # Remove cryptest.exe and test files, only needed for check() and bloats the package # because cryptest.exe is linked statically. rm -rf "${pkgdir}"/usr/{bin,share/cryptopp} }